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Competition Results for the 2021 “Milorad Macura” and “Dimitrije Perišić” Awards

Одлуке Комисија Института за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије за доделу годишњих награда „Милорад Мацура“ и „Димитрије Перишић“ за најбоље мастер радове и докторске дисертације из облести архитектуре и урбанизма, и просторног…

Competition Results for the 2021 “Milorad Macura” and “Dimitrije Perišić” Awards Read More »

The sixth call for the involvement of talented young researchers – PhD students in the scientific research work of SRO

Шести позив за укључење талентованих младих  истраживача

Министарство науке, технолошког развоја и иновација дана 25. децембра 2022. године расписало је Шести позив талентованим младим истраживачима-студентима докторских академских студија за укључивање

The sixth call for the involvement of talented young researchers – PhD students in the scientific research work of SRO Read More »

Participation of IAUS in the 31th International Urban Planner Exhibition, organized by Serbian Town Planners Association, 2022

The Urban Planners’ Exhibition is a traditional annual manifestation held by the Serbian town planner association, which is the review of the most significant, current accomplishments in the area of spatial and urban planning

Participation of IAUS in the 31th International Urban Planner Exhibition, organized by Serbian Town Planners Association, 2022 Read More »

Participation of IAUS in the exhibition Planning Networking 4, organized by the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia

Planerska umrezavanja_4_uputstvo za pripremu panoa_2022_predfin_

As part of the IX Scientific and professional meeting with international participation “Local self-government in planning and development of space and settlements”, on Silver Lake, from June 16 to 18, 2022, the exhibition Planning Networking 4 was organized.

Participation of IAUS in the exhibition Planning Networking 4, organized by the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia Read More »

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