The fourth thematic workshop on improving public policies of urban planning as part of the UN Women project “Safety of women and girls in public spaces” with the theme “Forming a legal framework at the national level for the introduction of preventive measures of urban safety of girls and women in public spaces” was held on June 23rd, 2023.
The workshop was created for decision-makers, representatives of line ministries, city local self-government, secretariats and planning commissions. The expert team gave an introduction on the basics of a gender-sensitive approach within spatial and urban planning and urban design, the existing legal basis and the possibilities of adapting planning documents to the principles of urban security in the arrangement of public spaces.
Within the panel discussion in which all present participated, suggestions were given: how to supplement the existing legal framework (public policies, laws, regulations, strategies/agendas) content to the conditions for urban security, which are necessary changes in practice and approach, the role of participation of users and stakeholders, cooperation with holders of public authority, the need to conduct education, develop a manual of good practice, forms a knowledge base, realize networking and data exchange and consider the possibility of licensing. The most important measures at the national level for the prevention and prevention of violence against girls and women in the public space, priority steps and competencies, as well as the possibility of cooperation between the government and NGO sectors were identified.
Presentations are available in PDF format: 01 Gender-sensitive urbanism; 02 Experiences from II and III workshops.
The fifth, final workshop will be held on 08.09.2023. in the great hall of the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, JUP.