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The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, in collaboration with seventeen European organizations and institutions is participating in the international project ...
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Symposium “Sustainable Development – Vector of Serbia to the Future”

On Friday, September 20, 2024, a scientific-professional symposium titled "Sustainable Development – Vector of Serbia to the Future" was held.
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Резултати конкурса за доделу награда „Милорад Мацура“ и „Димитрије Перишић“ за 2023. годину

Call for applications for the ‘Milorad Macura’ and ‘Dimitrije Perišić’ awards for 2024

A call for applications is announced for the Institute for Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia awards for the best master's theses and doctoral dissertations in ...
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Professional visit and lecture at University College Dublin (UCD)

The MINIPART project team paid a study visit to the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy at the University College Dublin (UCD).
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Тим МИНИПАРТ пројекта је започео обуку анкетара

The MINIPART project team has started training surveyors

The training of surveyors was held at the premises of the Institute for Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia. Dr. Milena Toković (Faculty of Geography, ...
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Participation of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia in the partners’ meeting for the NONA project in Chisinau, Moldova

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) participated in the partners’ meeting for the NONA project in Chisinau, Moldova, from June ...
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Покренут је сајт пројекта MINIPART

The website of MINIPART project has been launched

Thanks to the financial support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, the website of the MINIPART project was launched in Serbian and ...
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Резултати конкурса за доделу награда „Милорад Мацура“ и „Димитрије Перишић“ за 2023. годину

The position of the Scientific Council of the Institute on the necessity to preserve Modern architectural heritage

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia advocates for the preservation and reconstruction of protected immovable cultural ...
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Participation of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia at the international conference “Danube future works – New European Bauhaus on the Danube”

The team of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia attended the international conference Danube future works - New European Bauhaus ...
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Participation of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia in the international project NONA in the Danube Region Programme

Institute of architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia participates in the international project within the Danube Region Programme NONA - New gOvernance for ...
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Шести позив за укључење талентованих младих  истраживача

The Seventh Call for the Involvement of Talented Young Researchers – Doctoral Students in Research Work of Research and Development Institutes

The Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation on March 13, 2024, announced the Seventh Call for the involvement of talented young researchers – doctoral ...
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Резултати конкурса за доделу награда „Милорад Мацура“ и „Димитрије Перишић“ за 2023. годину

Results of the competition for the awarding of the “Milorad Macura” and “Dimitrije Perišić” awards, 2023

The decisions of the Juries of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia for the awarding of the annual 'Milorad Macura' and 'Dimitrije Perišić' ...
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