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Participation of the IAUS in the 32nd International Urban Planner Exhibition, organized by Serbian Town Planners Association, 2023.

he Urban Planner Exhibition is a traditional annual event organized by Serbian Town Planners Association, representing a showcase of the most significant and current achievements in the field of spatial and urban planning

Participation of the IAUS in the 32nd International Urban Planner Exhibition, organized by Serbian Town Planners Association, 2023. Read More »

Safety of Girls and Women in Public Spaces – The Second Workshop


Друга тематска радионица унапређења јавних политика урбаног планирања под називом ,,Имплементација тематских мера у постојећу методологију и процедуре урбанистичког планирања”

Safety of Girls and Women in Public Spaces – The Second Workshop Read More »

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