Invatation to participate in the survey

We invite colleagues, students and young professionals who were born on 1988 or later and who are students from abroad in the Republic of Serbia for at least one year or who studied in the Republic of Serbia and then returned to their home country or either went to the third country, to take part in the online questionnaire survey which is of scientific research interest particularly for the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, together with its project partner institutions: Institute of Social Sciences from Belgrade (project leader), Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad, and Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade.

The questionnaire survey is a part of the project “International student migration in the Serbian context and (re)construction of identity: Main issues and inputs for policy making” (IS-MIGaIN) financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the “IDENTITIES” program in the period 2023 – 2025.

We ask potential respondents to complete the questionnaire via the following link:

The survey is available for the following categories of respondents:

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