SHARE Forum is one of the essential networking platforms for the construction-related fields in Central and Eastern Europe. We bring together principal and senior architects from leading practices to discuss about their recently awarded projects from the greatest architectural competitions worldwide.
ABplus events, PROEVENT Association and the Union of Architects of Serbia are organizing on 9th of May the 2nd edition of SHARE Belgrade International Architecture and Engineering Forum.
Arch. Milan DURIC, President of the Union of Architects of Serbia and Mr. Florin Mindrigiu, Event Director and Founder of PRO event Association will open this year’s edition.
Location: Yugoslav Film Archive Museum
Date & Time: 9th May at 9:00 – 18:00
Audience: Everyone from the architectural field is welcome to attend our event. Tickets are already available on our website (see the link on the right) https://share-architects.com/share-belgrade-2019-about/