Detailed regulation plan for the area on the corner of Kumodraska and Dusana Jovanovica streets, the city municipalitity of Vozdovac

Realization: 2011-2012. Head: Igor Marić Main team: Igor Marić, Ana Niković, and Božidar Manić
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План детаљне регулације дела блока 23 (насеље Расадник 2) у Белој Цркви

Detailed regulation plan of the part of the block 23 ( settlement Rasadnik II) in Bela Crkva

Realization: 2010-2011. Head: Božidar Manić Main team: Božidar Manić and Ana Niković,
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Amendments to the Detailed regulation plan of the first phase of the tourist resort “Jabucko ravniste” on Stara Planina

Realization: 2010-2011 Head: Igor Marić Main team: Igor Marić, Saša Milijić, Olgica Bakić, and Božidar Manić
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Amendments to the detailed regulation plan for the central zone of the city of Vrsac

Realization: 2009 Head: Igor Marić Main team: Igor Marić and Božidar Manić Consultants: Slobodan Miljanić, Jovan Despotović, Ana Popović, Milorad Bogdanović,
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План детаљне регулације прве фазе туристичког ризорта „Јабучко равниште“ на Старој планини

Detailed regulation plan of the first phase of the tourist resort “Jabucko ravniste” on Stara planina

Realization: 2008-2009 Head: Igor Marić Main team: Igor Marić and Sasa Milijić Consultants: Branislav Momčilović, , Radmilo Ilić, Radojko Roglić, prof. Jovan
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План детаљне регулације централне зоне Вршца

План детаљне регулације централне зоне Вршца

Realization: 2002-2004. Head: Igor Marić, Main team: Igor Marić and Mila Pucar Consultants: Zoran Mirjanić, Svetozar Teofilović, prof. Jovan Despotović, Ana Popović
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План детаљне регулације блока између улица: Кнез Михаилове, Јакшићеве, Обилићевог венца и Змај Јовине, Општина Стари град

Detailed regulation plan for the block between the Knez Mihailova, Jaksiceva, Obilicev venac, and Znmaj Jovina Streets, in the municipality of Stari grad

Realization: 2004-2009. Head: Igor Marić Main team: Igor Marić and Božidar Manić Consultants: Milan Ivetić, Slobodan Miljanić, prof. Jovan Despotović
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