Development of spatial and urban plans

National (Republic) spatial plans;
Spatial (sustainable) development strategies;
Integral development plans and programs;
Spatial plans of regions;
Spatial plans of special purpose areas (tourist complexes, national parks, valuable cultural heritage complexes, industrial and mining zones, agricultural complexes, water supply zones, military complexes, etc.);
Spatial plans of infrastructure corridors;
General (urban) plans of towns and settlements of urban character,
Detailed and regulation (urban) plans;
Space development requirements together with urban development and technical requirements for design and construction;
Urban designs of particular entities (social, commercial and specialized centers, school complexes, residential blocks);
Concepts of regulating rural settlements and areas;
Studies and designs for redevelopment, revitalization and remediation of urban and historical heritage (old city cores, archeological localities, etc.);
Space development programs;
Analyses for adapting spatial and urban plans to the needs of defense, protection against war operations, protection against natural disasters, etc.

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