GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development – Component 1 Selection #1275674 Strengthening capacities of local self-Goverments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments expert

The World Bank in partnership with SECO SURGE Trust Fund is supporting the Government of Serbia and more specifically the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure (MCTI) to implement the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (SUDS), approved in June 2019 and the associated Action Plan (2021-2022).

The overall objective of this program is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Serbia and selected Serbian municipalities to plan for more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient urban development and local economic recovery.

To fulfill the objective of the program and to further the implementation and operationalization of the SUDS, the World Bank, through this Serbia specific SECO SURGE trust fund, will be conducting a number of analytical and technical assistance activities, as requested by and in collaboration with the MCTI— the main client counterpart. Activities for this program have been groped into two components primarily on the basis of their spatial focus and the nature of tasks they entail. 

IAUS, as a cooperant with GFA SE Europe d.o.o. is engaged in conducting the Component 1 of this project, namely to support targeted cities with technical assistance and advisory services aimed at strengthening the capacity of selected Local Self-Government units (LSGs) to better plan, prepare, and carry out high-impact city-level investments that promote sustainable, low carbon urban development and urban resilience.

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