Nebojša Stefanović Ph.d.

Ph.D. in Spatial Planning
Senior Research Associate
Т: + 381 11 3207 309
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    Academic and scientific titles

    Ph.D. in Spatial Planning(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, 2011);

    M.Sc. in Spatial Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, 2005);

    B.Sc. in Spatial Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, 1996).

    Professional titles and licenses

    license 100 responsible planner (2004);

    license 200 responsible urban planner (2013);

    state exam for work in state administration bodies.

    Professional experience

    from 2020. senior research associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2016-2020. research associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2012-2016. director of the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade;

    2004-2012. manager for spatial plans and strategic planning in Republic Agency for Spatial Planning;

    2003-2004. director of the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning;

    2003. director of the Office for Spatial and Urban Planning in Ministry of Urban Planning and Construction;

    1997-2003. expert associate and manager for spatial planning in Office for Spatial and Urban Planning in Ministry of Urban Planning and Construction.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2017-2019. subproject manager on Project „Attractive Danube“: Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region (No. DTP1-1-270-4.1), Danube Transnational Programme (DTP), Interreg programme;

    2016-2019. researcher on Project of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development TР36035 „Spatial, ecological, energy and social aspects of settlement development and climate change – mutual influences“;

    2008-2010. external associate on projects „Sustainable development and arrangement of spa and other tourist resorts in Serbia“ (No. ТР 16007), „Spatial, social and ecological aspects of development in large mining basins“ (No. ТР 16008) and „Approach and concept for preparation the Spatial Development Strategy of Serbia“ (No. ТР 16013) of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

    Prizes and awards

    2018. first award at 27th  International Salon of Urbanism, Ruma, „Spatial plan for special purpose area of Landscapes of exceptional qualities Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura“, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, management team;

    2014. first award at 25th  International Salon of Urbanism, Belgrade, „Spatial plan for special purpose area of arrangement of the coastal part of the city of Belgrade – the area of the Sava riverbank for the project “Belgrade Waterfront”, Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, management team;

    2012. award of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers for outstanding achievements in the field of activities of the members of the Chamber (for managing the development of seven spatial plans – one regional spatial plan, two spatial plans of the special purpose area and four spatial plans of the local municipalities);

    2011. first award at 22th International Salon of Urbanism, Nis, „Regional spatial plan of Timok region“, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, team leader.

    List of selected publications

    (M23) Stefanović N., Danilović Hristić N., Krstić P., (2021), Transport Analysis of Large Projects as a Key Method in Urban Planning – Belgrade Waterfront Project, Baltica Journal, Vol. 34, No 11, ISSN 0067-3064;

    (M23) Stefanović N., Krunić N., Danilović Hristić N., (2021), The Spatial and Planning Aspect of Solving the Issue of Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Republic of Serbia, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. 36, No 1, 2021, pp 38-49,;

    (M22) Danilović Hristić N., Stefanović N., Milijić S., (2020), Danube’s river cruises as a strategy for representing the historical heritage and developing of cultural tourism in Serbia, Sustainability, MDPI Basel, 2020/12, Special issue 24, 10297, doi:10.3390/su122410297;

    (M23) Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović, N. (2020), Does appearance of the migrants change citizens perception of the public space? Case study of Belgrade, Serbia. Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development, Vol 15, No. 1, 2020, pp. 71-80;

    (M23) Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N., Josimović, B. (2017), Тhe Spatial and Urban Planning Concerns Related to Nuclear Facilities Locations – Case Study of the Vinča Institute Location, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. XXXII, No 1, 2017, pp. 99-108,,;

    (M26) Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N., Josimović, B. (2017), Commentary on the Letter to the Editor by Ivana Avramović and Milan Vujović, according to the article entitled „Тhe Spatial and Urban Planning Concerns Related to Nuclear Facilities Locations – Case Study of the Vinča Institute Location“ by Nebojša D. Stefanović, Nataša M. Danilović Hristić and Boško D. Josimović (published in the Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2017, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 99-108), Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. XXXII, No 3, 2017, pp. 301-304.

    List of selected professional results (team leading as responsible planner)

    Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2021. to 2035. (Draft) – team leader;

    Changes and amendments  of the Spatial plan of infrastructure corridor Niš- Republic Macedonia border („Official gazette  RS“, No. 100/21) – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of infrastructure corridor state road IB, Highway Е-75 Beograd-Niš (intersection „Požarevac”) – Požarevac (bypass) – Veliko Gradište – Golubac („Official gazette  RS“, No. 7/21) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation for Turistic complex „Špic“ in Veliko Gradište municipality („Official gazette of Veliko Gradište“, No. 29/21) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation for extension and reconstruction of 110 kV No. 151/2 ТS Pančevo 2 – ТS Alibunar, section from ТS Pančevo 2 to pole No. 99 on the teritory of Pančevo town („Official gazette of Pančevo“, No.  20/21) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation for new section of the part of state road IB No. 27 Valjevo-Loznica, on the Loznica teritory (2020) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation for state road IB  Šabac-Loznica in Šabac („Official gazette of Šabac“, No. 35/20) – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area for implementation of the project of exploitation and processing of Jadarit mineral „Jadar“ („Official gazette  RS“, No. 26/20) – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of state road IB No. 27, Loznica-Valjevo-Lazarevac, section Iverak-Lajkovac (connection with highway Е-763 Belgrade-South Jadran, section Belgrade-Požega) („Official gazette  RS“, No. 2/20) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation of infrastructure corridor state road IB No. 26 on administrative territory of Loznica town Loznica, 2020 – team leader;

    Changes and amendments  of the Spatial plan for special purpose area of infrastructure corridor of highway Е-80, section Niš-Merdare („Official gazette  RS“, No. 55/19 и 62/19) – team leader;

    Plan of detail regulation of infrastructure corridor of state road IB  Šabac-Loznica in Bogatić municipality and state road  IB Slepčević– state border Badovinci (Pavlovića bridge), 2019 – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of infrastructure corridor of highway Е-80, section Niš-Merdare („Official gazette  RS“, No. 102/17) – team leader;

    General plan of Belgrade (changes and amendments  ), 2014 – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of hydropower plants system on Ibar river („Official gazette  RS“, No. 58/12) – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of product pipeline system in Serbia („Official gazette  RS“, No. 19/11) – team leader;

    Regional spatial plan of the Timok region („Official gazette  RS“, No. 51/11) – team leader;

    Spatial plan of the Loznica town, 2011 – team leader;

    Spatial plan of the Leskovac town, 2011 – team leader;

    Spatial plan of the Arilje municipality, 2011 – team leader;

    Spatial plan of the Lazarevac municipality, 2009 – team leader.

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    from 2020. member of the Commission for expert control of planning documents of AP Vojvodina;

    2018-2019. and  2007-2009. president of Spatial planers section in Serbian Chamber of Engineers;

    2017–2021. member of Commission for planning documents of Kraljevo;

    2014-2016. deputy chairman of the Commission for control of compliance of planning documents of the Provincial Secretariat for Urbanism, Construction and Environmental Protection of AP Vojvodina;

    2010-2015. chairman of the Commission for professional exam in the field of spatial planning of the Ministry of Environment and Planning;

    2009-2012. chairman of the Commission for planning documents of the Belgrade;

    2009-2012. deputy of the president of Court of honor in the Serbian Chamber of Engineers;

    2002-2004. deputy chairman of the Commission for expert control of spatial plans in Ministry of Urban Planning and Construction;

    2002-2004. representative of Serbia and Montenegro in Committee of High Representatives of CEMAT, European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning, Council of Europe;

    од 2002. member of the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    Membership in a number of organizational and scientific committees.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Editorial board of national journal with international importans SPATIUM (од 2020).


    2020-2022. reviews of papers in: International Journal (M23) Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, published by the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, ISSN 1451-3994; National Journal of International Importance (M24) SPATIUM International Review, publisher IAUS, ISSN: 2217-8066; National Journal of International Importance (M24) Geographica Pannonica, publisher Faculty of Natural Science, University of Novi Sad, ISSN:0354-8724;

    from 2018. mentor at the Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia for Danijela Srnić, master of spatial planning, doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade;

    from 2016. memeber of several commissions at the Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia for election to scientific titles and commissions at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade for the doctoral dissertations;

    from 2010. regular guest lecturer in teaching Spatial planning studies at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade.

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