Tamara Maričić

PhD in spatial planning
Senior Research Fellow
Т: + 381 11 3207 332
М: tamara@iaus.ac.rs
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2014);

    Magister in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2005);

    Bachelor’s degree in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2000).

    Professional titles and licenses

    licence 100 – responsible spatial planner (2012)

    Professional experience

    since 2005 working in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS), now as Senior Research Fellow

    2008. scientific research in Leibnitz Institut für Ökologische Raumentwicklung, Dresden, Germany

    2003 practice in Berlin Senatsvervaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Germany

    2002-2005 scholar researcher of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia at IAUS

    2001-2002 spatial planner in the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, compilation of Master Plan of Belgrade and Spatial plan of Belgrade

    Participation in scientific research projects

    International scientific projects

    2023.           “Country profile of Serbia for the Knowledge and Communication Platform of the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association”, пројекат финансирала Академија за територијални развој у Лајбницу, Немачка (ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft)

    2022.            „Herausforderungen der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Kurorten in Deutschland und Serbien“– Bayerische Forschungsallianz

    2021.  GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development- Component 1 Selection # 1275674 Strengthening capacities of Local Self-Governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments expert, financed by the World Bank

    2015-2018      „Support to Process of Urban Development in Serbia“ (SPUDS) nr. 160503, part of SCOPES „Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland“, financed by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), IAUS team leader

    2011-2016.    „Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability“ (TURaS), FP7

    2005-2006.    ESTIA-SPOSE: European Space – Territorial Indicators and Actions for a Spatial Planning Observatory Platform in South -Eastern Europe (2003 – 2006), INTERREG III B CADSES

    National scientific projects

    2024-2027.    „Improving participation in spatial planning of mining areas“ (MINIPART), program Prisma, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, project leader

    2011-2019.    Sustainable Spatial Development of Danube Region in Serbia

    2011-2019.    Role and Implementation of State Spatial Plan and Regional Development Documents in Renewal of Strategic Thinking, Research and Governance

    2008-2010.    Approach and Concept for Compilation of Strategy of Spatial Development of Serbia

    2008-2010.    Spatial, Social and Ecological Aspects of Development in Large Mining Basins

    2005-2008.    Sustainable Spatial Development of Cities in Serbia

    2005-2008.    Strategic Environmental Assessment Methods in Planning Spatial Development of Mining Regions

    2002-2004.    Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions in Serbia

    Prizes and awards

    2017: Second prize at the 26th International Urban Planners Exhibition in Niš in the category research and studies in the field of spatial and urban planning, for: The Institutional Partnership of IAUS and CODEV EPFL in the Scientific Project SPUDS – Support to Process of Urban Development in Serbia (authors: Maričić, T., Bolay J.C., Zeković, S., Vujošević, M., Cvetinović M., Manić B., Živanović Miljković J. and Bajić, T);

    2016: Recognition at the 25th International Urban Planners Exhibition in Sremska Mitrovica in the category research and studies in the field of urbanism for: IAUS in the leading European scientific project TURaS – Contributions to the research of urban growth & urban sprawl (authors: Vujošević, M., Zeković, S., Petrić, J., Krunić, N., Maričić, T. and Bajić, T)

    2008: B. Stojanović, T. Maričić, 1st Prize at the 17th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition, held in Bjeljina, Republika Srpska, in a category Publications: „Methodology of strategic environmental assessment of a spatial plan of mining-energy complex”

    2008: T. Maričić, 2nd Prize at the 17th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition, held in Bjeljina, Republika Srpska, in a category Publications: „The System of Green Areas in Big Cities – on the example of Belgrade and Berlin”


    1996-1997      Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia

    1997-2002      Foundation for Development of scientific and artistic youth of the Republic of Serbia

    2000.                DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauchdienst), Dresden.

    2002-2005      Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Republic of Serbia

    2003.                DAAD research scholarship, Berlin.

    2005.                Bayhost, Munich.

    2008.                Leibnitz Institut für Ökologische Raumentwicklung, Dresden.

    List of selected publications

    Monographs, thematic proceedings of an international relevance

    Zeković S., Maričić T., Vujošević M. (2018) Megaprojects as an Instrument of Urban Planning and Development: Example of Belgrade Waterfront, in: S. Hostettler, S. Najih Besson and J.C. Bolay (Eds.) Technologies for Development: From Innovation to Social impact, Springer, Cham, pp.153-164, UNESCO 2016: Technologies for Development, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91068-0_13

    T. Maričić, M. Cvetinović, J.-C. Bolay (2018) Participatory planning in urban development of post-socialist Serbia, in: J.-C. Bolay, T. Maričić, S. Zeković (Eds.), A Support to Urban Development Process, EPFL CODEV, IAUS, Lausanne – Belgrade, pp. 1-28, ISBN 978-2-8399-2394-1, http://spuds.edu.rs/downloads/1eng.pdf

    S. Zeković, T. Maričić, M. Cvetinović (2016) Transformation of Housing Policy in a Post-Socialist City: The Example of Belgrade, J. Sidoli, M. Vols, and M. Kiehl (Eds.), Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law, pp. 41-64. Eleven publishing, Eleven-Boom Uitgevers Den Haag, The Nederlands, https://www.amazon.com/Regulating-City-Contemporary-Housing-Studies/dp/9462367116

    Kovachev, A.D. Slaev, P. Nikolov, D. Daskalova, M. Vujošević, S. Zeković, J. Petrić, N. Krunić, T. Maričić, T. Bajić, M. Salvemini, L. Berardi (2016) Urban Growth and Urbanization on Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market, in A. Kovachev, A. D. Slaev & D. Daskalova (Eds.), Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability, Vol. 1, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” & Institute of Architecture and Urban& Spatial Planning of Serbia, Varna – Belgrade, pp.13-136.

    S. Zeković, M. Vujošević, T. Maričić (2016) Market analysis of housing in Belgrade, in: Vujošević, M., Zeković, S. (Eds.) Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability, Vol. 2, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” & Institute of Architecture and Urban& Spatial Planning of Serbia, Varna – Belgrade, pp.97-119.

    S. Zeković, T. Maričić, M. Vujošević (2016), Indicators of urban sprawl and urban land policy, in: Vujošević, M., Zeković, S. (Eds.) Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability, Vol. 2, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” & Institute of Architecture and Urban& Spatial Planning of Serbia, Varna – Belgrade, ISBN: 978-954-305-429-9, pp.185-204.

    Articles published in scientific journals of international relevance

    Zeković, S., Maričić, T. (2020). Contemporary governance of urban mega-projects: a case study of the Belgrade waterfront. Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2020.1774410

    A. Slaev, S. Zeković, A. Kovachev, T. Maričić, T. Bajić (2018) Regulating Market-led Urban Expansion in the New Master Plans of Sofia and Belgrade, Spatium No. 39, pp. 38-46. https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1839038S

    Kovachev, A., Slaev, A.D., Zeković, S., Maričić, T., Daskalova, D. (2017) The changing roles of planning and the market in the processes of urban growth in Belgrade and Sofia, Spatium No. 37, pp. 34-41.

    M. Cvetinovic, T. Maričić, J.-C. Boley (2016) Participatory urban transformations in Savamala, Belgrade – capacities and limitations, Spatium, No. 36, pp. 15-23.

    S. Zeković, T. Maričić (2016) A historical prolegomenon of the legal framework and urban land policy in Serbia as a basis for urban development, Spatium, No. 36, pp. 67-74.

    S. Zeković, M. Vujošević, J.-C. Boley, M. Cvetinović, J. Živanović Miljković, T. Maričić (2015) Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: example of Belgrade, Spatium, No. 33, pp. 69-75

    S. Zeković, M. Vujošević, T. Maričić (2015) Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: the case of Belgrade, Habitat International (JCR 31/104, IF 2015 2,029), No. 48, pp 65-78 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.03.010

    Vujošević, M., Zeković S., Maričić T. (2012) Post-socialist transition in Serbia and its unsustainable path, European Planning Studies, 20(10), pp. 1707-1727 https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2012.713330

    Petrić Ј., Maričić T., Basarić J. (2012) The population conundrums and some implications for urban growth and decline in Serbia, SPATIUM International Review, No. 28, pp. 7-14

    Spasić N., Jokić V., Maričić T. (2009) Managing Spatial Development in Zones Undergoing Major Structural Changes, SPATIUM International Review, No. 21, pp. 53-65.

    Zeković S., Spasić N., Maričić T. (2007) Development of new economic poles in metropolitan areas: Belgrade example, SPATIUM International Review, No. 15/16, pp. 21-27

    Maričić T. (2006) Implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Serbia – case of Spatial Plan of Kolubara Lignite Basin, SPATIUM International Review, no. 13-14, pp. 16-20,

    Monographs of national relevance

    M. Vujošević, S. Zeković, T. Maričić (2014) New European Regionalism and Regional Governance in Serbia. Book 2. Regional Planning and Governance in Serbia and New Institutional Design, IAUS, Beograd

    Vujošević M., Zeković S., Maričić T. (2012) New European Regionalism and Regional Governance in Serbia. Book 1. General Aspects of Regional Question and New European Regionalism, IAUS, Beograd

    Vujošević M., Zeković S., Maričić T. (2010) Post-socialist transition in Serbia, and its territorial capital. The current state, some future prospects and predictable scenarios, IAUS, Beograd

    Stojanović B., Maričić T. (2008) Methodology of Strategic Environmental Assessment of Spatial Plan of Mining-Energy Complex, IAUS, Beograd

    Maričić T. (2007) System of Green Areas in Big Cities – with Examples of Berlin and Belgrade, Београд, IAUS, Beograd

    List of selected professional results

    Spatial Plan of Special Purpose Area for Bor and Majdanpek Mining basin, team member, section: environment protection, coordinator of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA).

    Changes and Addendums of Spatial Plan of Kolubara Lignite Basin, section: environment protection, coordinator of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA), 2017.

    Regional Plan of Kolubara and Mačva District, section: environment protection, coordinator of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA),2015

    Spatial Plan of Kostolac lignite Basin, team member, section: environment protection, coordinator of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA), 2013.

    Spatial plan of City of Požarevac, team member, section: environment protection, coordinator of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA), 2012.

    Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia, team member, 2010.

    „Evaluation of Sida’s support to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s co-operation with environmental authorities in the Western Balkan, 2005–2009“, team member, 2009.

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    Serbian Chamber of Engineers

    AППС – Асоцијације просторних планера Србије

    IAIA – International Association for Impact Assessment

    AESOP – The Association of European Schools of Planning

    RSA – Regional Studies Association

    PLPR – International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights

    ISOCARP – International Society of City and Regional Planners.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Member of the Publishing Council of the IAUS (since April 2015)

    Member of Editorial Board of international scientific journal Spatium (since April 2016)

    Vice Editor-in-Chief of SPATIUM International Review, published by the IAUS, Belgrade (2014 – 2015)

    Чланство у одборима научних и стручних часописа

    Од 2015. године је члан Издавачког савета ИАУС-а.

    Међународни научни часопис „Spatium“, издање ИАУС – Заменик главног и одговорног уредника у периоду 2014 – 2015. год. Од 2016. године члан Уредништва.


    Review of Phd of Tearner-Smith Desiree „Towards a narratology of planning – stories of a South African gold mining town“, defended 24.04.2019 at the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

    Review of Phd of Marija Cvetinović „Urban Development Processes. Methodological Investigation into the Complexity and Dynamics of Post-socialist Cities: Case Study of Savamala Neighbourhood in Belgrade, Serbia“, defended 11.10.2017 at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL CODEV, Switzerland.

    1. October 2017, at the EPFL – the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, presentation of bilateral international project EPFL CODEV and IAUS: SPUDS – A Support to Process of Urban Development in Serbia https://memento.epfl.ch/event/post-socialist-urban-development-the-example-of–2/
    2. December 2016, at the Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, scientific forum “New European regionalism and lessons learned in addressing regional governance and planning issues“ with M. Vujošević and S. Zeković. Presentation: “Border regions in new European regionalism “. http://www.ies.rs/en/december-15-a-lecture-on-new-euroepan-regionalism-and-regional-management-and-planning/
    3. March 2016 at the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, in Belgrade, presentation: Impact of mining activities on population and social development, with examples of Kolubara, Kostolac and Bor-Majdanpek region;

    3-26. February 2016, at IAUS, organization of workshop for PhD students: Post-socialist urban development in Serbia – the role of public participation and evaluation of plans and programmes. Presentations: “Different interpretations of participation and benefits for actors” and “Evaluation of ecological and social impacts”.

    1. October 2015, at IAUS, organization of international workshop for architects and urban planners: “Urban Planning Methods and Instruments: Lessons and Application in Post-socialist Cities“. Presentation „Social Impacts of Megaprojects and their Evaluation“, http://www.spuds.edu.rs/workshoplink/Expert%20workshop%20programme%202015-10-25.pdf
    2. May 2015, at the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, in Belgrade, presentation (with M. Vujošević, S. Zeković, N. Krunić, T. Bajić, J. Petrić) “Resilient cities and climate change: Example of international project TURAS”

    Professional / research profiles (optional)

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tamarama/

    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4827-5065

    Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tamara-Maricic

    Academia: https://iaus.academia.edu/TamaraMaricic

    Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZwcOCx4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

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