We continue in the same rhythm, Friday is a day dedicated to the safety of women in cities!
The third thematic workshop on improving public urban planning policies as part of the UN Women project “Safety of women and girls in public spaces” with the theme “Measures to improve the conditions of use of public spaces from the aspect of women’s and girls’ safety” was held on June 16th, 2023.
The workshop was intended primarily for experts in the field of space care, its maintenance and communal order and equipment. Like the previous one, it consisted of practical work in four typical but different locations. Divided into groups, with the mentoring work of the team members of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, the participants analyzed the situation and proposed measures to improve safety conditions.
Video recordings of individual spaces (walking through space, at different times of the day and night), as auxiliary material used in the work, are available on the links: Нови Београд 01, Нови Београд 02, Нови Београд 03, Врачар 01, Врачар 02, Врачар 03, Врачар 04.
The fourth workshop “Forming a legal framework at the national level for the prevention of violence against women and girls in public space”, intended for decision-makers, will be held on June 23rd, 2023, in the large hall of the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, JUP.