The fifth and also final thematic workshop on improving public urban planning policies as part of the UN Project, Safety of Women and Girls in Public Space” was held on 8 September 2023 in the grand hall of the Urban Institute of Belgrade, JUP.
Participants in all previous meetings were invited to the work. After a greeting from Stephanie Schillinglaw, the Program’s director, UK Embassy, the process of working on the previous four workshops was briefly shown. Then a draft of the “Roadmap for the implementation of urban security measures within urban planning” was presented with proposals to supplement legal acts. This document, as a result of work within the project, contains directions for implementing preventive security measures within the urban and spatial planning processes, i.e., drafting plans. In this respect, suggestions and recommendations concerning concrete changes and amendments to the existing legal framework are made. Alternative solutions are also given, which aim for the same goal but require greater and less engagement of available resources.
Through discussion, proposals have been created for the supplement and correction of the Roadmap, which will be included in the final version. The creation of a new public policy had a participation character and public availability, which certainly contributes to quality. This document will be submitted to the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the Department for Spatial Planning and Urban Planning, for further jurisdiction.
At the end of the event, participants filled out a questionnaire for evaluating workshops and evaluating acquired knowledge. By handing out thank-you notes to institutions and diplomas/certificates to the participants and closing arguments of Tijana Milošević, representative of UN women, the fifth thematic workshop was brought to an end.
IAUS expert team that led the workshops: Dr. Nataša Danilović Hristić, Dr Jasna Petrić, Dr. Nataša Čolić and arch. Maja Hristov, thanks all those who have responded and actively participated and sincerely hopes that this is not the end, and that the results will yet follow. We wish you all good luck and success in your work and to be safe!
Presentations and draft Directions are available on links: Road map, Presentation 1, Presentation 2.