Development of new methodological frameworks and information systems for the establishment of sustainable and resilient cities in Serbia

Coordinator Dr. Marina Nenković-Riznić, senior research associate

Within the mentioned thematic area, there is a plan to engage researchers in the preparation of a scientific project for a new call of the Science Fund. The purpose of the scientific project will be to support the efforts to overcome existing and potential natural and anthropogenic effects caused by climate change in Serbia.

The research will be verified by examining the possible application of the index of spatial climate endangerment and decision support tools with mitigation measures in several pilot studies of urban centers in Serbia.

The research within this thematic area will be based on the analysis of existing planning documentation, with specific emphasis on determining the representation of climate change and risk management in planning documents of local governments (LGUs) and then pointing out characteristic phenomena in urban processes and defining principles and the priority of sustainable urban development. The research will also include those local governments that are part of the project GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development- Component 1 Selection # 1275674 Strengthening capacities of Local Self-Governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments, financed by the World Bank.

Therefore, relevant research and their results will be distributed inter-sectorally and used to define strategic guidelines for minimizing the effects of climate change in urban centers.

The specific objectives of the research are:

– Analysis of existing strategic and legal frameworks at the local/national level;

– Establishment of a database on the zero-state of the environment in the area of ​​pilot projects;

– Development of a methodology for evaluating the needs of local self-government in the context of responding to climate change;

– Defining decision support tools to minimize the negative impacts of climate change;

– Enabling the actors’ participation in the formation of databases for urban centers and local self-government;

– Conceptualization of traditional and innovative/flexible instruments of construction land management, and restriction of urban expansion and illegal construction;

Communication, promotion, and dissemination of the vision and results of the research will be done through the publication of papers and research results in national and international journals, proceedings of national and international competitions, as well as the implementation of technical solutions.

The expected results of the research in 2022 are completion and verification of the methodological model for evaluating the needs of local self-government and their response to climate change, selection of pilot areas and assessment of validity for testing the resilience of urban centers; analysis of existing models for establishing e-space management at the local and national level; guidelines for the creation of energy, climate, and CO2 responsible control of projects and plans in the form of instructions/manuals for the establishment of sustainable and resilient urban centers of Serbia; formation of decision support tools, recommendations for urban protection of buildings and built assemblies/units that contribute to environmental values ​​and urban identity; guidelines for improving urban security; proposal of methodology and approach for improving the planning of green-blue infrastructure in the development of sustainable and resilient cities.

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