Scientific Research Program

The Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia is one of the most important scientific research institutions in the Republic of Serbia in the field of architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning. The Institute operates in accordance with the accreditation for performing scientific research activities of general interest in the field of technical and technological sciences (Decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Committee for Accreditation of Scientific Research Organizations No. 660-01-00003 / 4 of 03.09.2019).

Through scientific research, the Institute endeavors to promote architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning, contributes to sustainable urban and spatial development of Serbia, provides conditions for increasing the quality of projects and planning documents and the continuity of their creation. The development strategy of the Institute emphasizes the importance of connecting science and practice, as well as the importance of the creation of methodological foundations of the architecture, and spatial and urban development management. The Institute also makes a significant contribution in the field of education and popularization of science and the development of its international cooperation. The protection of the environment and the application of the principles of both sustainable development and modern geoinformatics technologies is a significant segment of research at the Institute. Today, the Institute is a leading institution in spatial research and one of the prominent Serbian institutions which applies research results in technological development practice (planning, urban planning, and architecture). In the past, the Institute has achieved a significant volume and notable results in scientific research and application of research in architectural and urban design, spatial and urban planning, creating spatial databases, and analysis of the environmental impact of planning documents.

Areas and results of work covered by the Institute mostly fall within the competence of the state and include the so-called public sector (urbanism, spatial planning, environment, housing, etc.). The scientific research at the Institute is oriented primarily towards applied and development research, which does not mean that we cannot expect the Institute’s contribution in basic (fundamental), integral and interdisciplinary research in some areas, as well. Most of the scientific (sub) areas of the Institute’s activities require interdisciplinary work and the engagement of researchers from various disciplines. In this regard, the Institute cooperates with other scientific institutes and faculties. As the numerous researches realized in the Institute precede the adoption of spatial and urban plans, the Institute has to cooperate with the competent state bodies and organizations.

The frame of applied and development research can also include studies and expertise realized within the preparation of more complex spatial and urban plans (especially of national importance), investment, or architectural, urban, and infrastructure projects.

In the future, after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can expect an increase in the presence of these researches on the market in proportion to the increase in investment activities in the country and the surrounding areas.

The plans for the development of scientific research and overall work of the Institute in the next few years will be harmonized with the business environment in the country, following the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, development strategies in other areas, and the action plans for the implementation of these strategies.

The scientific research of the Institute in the coming period will be developed mainly within the primary activities of the Institute.  The research activities will be directed towards the strategic development and scientific and technological priorities of Serbia, in accordance with the professional structure and professional affinities of the available staff.

National science projects

In the following period, the Institute will continue with the preparation and application of new projects at the invitation of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. Previously reported projects have synthesized most of the research the IAUS is engaged in, and researchers will continue to work on specific topics of their interest.

International scientific projects

The Institute will continue working on applications for new cycles of international projects and actively involve several research teams in the procedure of preparation and application of new international projects (COST, Horizon Europe 2021-2027, Interreg ADRION Program, ESPON, bilateral projects, etc.) In addition, applications for two international projects are being prepared:

  • COST Action – PORTAL: Activating Port City Territories for a Sustainable Energy Transition, Head of the Delft University of Technology, IAUS Partner (coordinator Dr. Nataša Čolić);
  • Widening participation and strengthening of the European Research Area (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01: Twinning), IAUS coordinator (coordinator Dr. Nataša Čolić, team members: Dr. Jasna Petrić Dr. Marijana Pantić, Dr. Tamara Maričić, and Danijela Srnić); partners Aalborg University (Denmark), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).

At the competition of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service for co-financing of the scientific and technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Germany for the period 2022-23, The International Competitiveness of Spa Centers in Serbia and Germany – Challenges and Future Implications Project was submitted. Coordinator, Dr. Mariana Pantić (team members Dr. Tamara Maričić and Dr. Natasa Čolić).

Within the project CITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAM, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), the Institute is actively engaged in the strategic assessment of the impact of action plans on the environment through the engagement of Local SEA experts (period 2021-2022) (headed by Dr. Marina Nenković-Riznić).

The Institute’s research team will participate in the project GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development- Component 1 Selection # 1275674 Strengthening capacities of Local Self-Governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments expert (headed by Dr. Marina Nenković- Riznić), financed by the World Bank,  in the period from 2021 to 2023.

In addition, in 2022, the final dissemination of the international scientific project Interreg Danube Transnational Program is planned: “ConnectGREEN: Restoring and managing ecological corridors in the mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube” (headed by Dr Marina Nenković-Riznić), (the project was completed in November 2021).

IAUS also supported the Center for the Promotion of Science of Serbia (as a partner) in its participation in the “TAACSI project” under the invitation of Horizon 2020 H2020-LC-GD-10-2-2020 – Building a low-carbon, climate-resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal – Behavioral, social and cultural change for the Green Deal.

International cooperation

The Institute will strive to continue with the existing and improve international cooperation in the implementation of scientific and professional projects with foreign partners with whom it participated in previous HORIZON 2020 and INTERREG DTP calls. The program of future international scientific cooperation includes several other groups of activities:

  • Improving cooperation with international research institutions, universities, and institutes;
  • Participation in international scientific and professional gatherings, organization of meetings, seminars, etc.;
  • Renewal of institutional and individual memberships in associations: ISOCARP, AESOP, SPA-CE.NET, as well as in other international academic associations (Urban Europe Research Alliance – UERA);
  • Cooperation in education, journalism, informatics, etc.

Within the framework of international scientific cooperation, the strategic goal of the Institute is to become a national research focal point for the field of spatial and urban planning and sustainable territorial development. In that capacity, and in cooperation with other institutes and faculties, the Institute could coordinate national projects within regional European projects.

The Institute could also, with the support of the Republic, renew cooperation with developing countries and neighboring countries in applied and development research (at the national and regional level) and development planning, spatial planning, and management of investment projects and other forms of consulting.

In 2022, the Institute’s researchers will establish contacts with researchers abroad and develop the additional potential for creating new project teams and applying for international projects.

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