Dr Aleksandra Gajić Protić

B.Sc. and Master in Spatial Planning
Research Fellow
Т: +381 11 3207 327
М: aleksandra@iaus.ac.rs
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in geosciences (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2023)

    MSc in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2013)

    BSc in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2012)

    Professional experience

    Since 2023 research fellow at the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Spatial planning of Serbia

    Since 2017 research assistant at the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Spatial planning of Serbia

    2014-2017 research assistant with scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2018-2021 ConnectGreen: Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube (Funding from Interreg Danube Transnational Programme; No. DTP 072-2.3);

    2016-2020 NoAW: No Agricultural-Waste: Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets (Funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688338);

    2017-2019 Attractive Danube: Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region

    (Funding from Interreg Danube Transnational Programme; No. DTP1-1-270-4.1);

    2014-2019 Sustainable spatial development of Danube area in Serbia (Funding from Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; No. ТR 36036).

    Prizes and awards

    2021 Second prize at the 30th International Urban Planning Exhibition in Niš in the category of regional spatial plans and spatial plans of special purpose areas, for the Spatial Plan of special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”;

    2019 Third prize at the 28th International Urban Planning Exhibition in Niš‚ in the category: research, studies and projects in the field of spatial planning for the work “Tools for multi-criteria evaluation (Noaw H2020 Project)”.

    List of selected publications

    Paper in thematic collection of papers of international significance

    Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Tošić, D. (2021) Development challenges faced by cities in Serbia, In Manić, W., Nikitović, V., Đurović, P.(eds) The Geography of Serbia. World Regional Geography Book Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74701-5_21;

    Papers in international journals

    Živanović Miljković, J.; Popović, V.; Gajić, A. (2022) Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia. Land, 11, 769. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11060769

    Josimović, B., Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Manić, B. (2021) Multi-criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, No.34, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10806-021-09846-3;

    Gajić, A., Krunić, N., Protić, B. (2021) Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning, Sustainability, 13(4):1596. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041596;

    Gajić,A., Krunić, N., Protić, B. (2018) Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia, Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, No. 118:2, 160-172, https://doi.org/10.1080/00167223.2018.1503551;

    Krunić, N., Josimović, B., Gajić, A., Nenković-Riznić, M. (2019) Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning, Spatium, No. 42, 16-22, https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1942016K;

    Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Srnić, D., Tošić, D. (2018) Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia, Stanovništvo, Vol. 56. ISS.2, 23-38, https://doi.org/10.2298/STNV1802023K;

    Гајић, A. (2015) Различити методолошки приступи у дефинисању руралних и урбаних подручја, Архитектура и урбанизам, 41, 63-67. (In Serbian)

    Improved technical solution at the national level

    Петрић, J., Џелебџић, O., Гајић, A., Срнић, Д. (2019). Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова. (In Serbian)

    Џелебџић, O., Петрић, J., Гајић, A., Срнић, Д. (2019). Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова. (In Serbian)

    List of selected professional results

    Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2021 to 2035 – Draft;

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the national park “Đerdap” – Draft

    2020 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the Nature Park “Zlatibor” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 2/2020);

    2020 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the accumulation basin of the ” Barje” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 80/2020);

    2020 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the Special Nature Reserve “Mileševka river gorge” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 44/2020);

    2019 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the outstandung natural landscape “Ovčar-Kablar gorge ” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 46/2019);

    2018 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the accumulation basin of the “Vrutci” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 91/2018);

    2018 Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the accumulation basin of the “Prvonek” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 89/2018).

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    Serbian Spatial Planners Association


    2015-2019 coordinator of professional practice for students of the fourth year of spatial planning at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia;

    2018 and 2019 participant of the international summer school “GeoSpatial Summer School” in Olomouc (Czech Republic);

    2015 member of the Organizing Committee of the VIII Scientific-Professional conference with international participation “Planning and normative protection of space and environment” (Subotica-Palić);

    2014/2015. Student – demonstrator on the following subjects: Principles and methods of regionalization and regional planning in basic academic studies at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade.

    Professional / research profiles (optional)

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandra-gajic-24040564

    ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7383-6210

    ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aleksandra-Gajic

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