Maja Hristov

Senior Expert Associate
Т: + 381 11 3207 345
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    Academic and scientific titles

    Graduated Engineer of Architecture (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2000).

    Professional titles and licenses

    from 2018. Expert associate at the Institute for Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2015-2018. fixed-term associate at the Institute for Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2010-2015. ARC, Belgrade, design and execution of works;

    2008-2010. Studio OFF, Belgrade, design and execution of works;

    2004-2008. CASA engineering, Belgrade, design and execution of works;

    2001-2004. NIS Jugopetrol, Belgrade, design and execution of works.

    Prizes and awards

    2019   Recognition in the category “Plans for Detailed Regulation”, 28. International Salon of UrbanIsm, Niš, work: Plan of detailed regulation of ”Jewel” in Kostolac, – member of the team.

    List of selected publications

    (M24) Hristov, M, Danilović Hristić, N, Stefanović, N. (2021) Impact of Overtourism on Urban Life. Spatium 45, pp. 59-66, UDC 711.5:338.48;

    (M63) Danilović Hristić, N, Stefanović, N, Hristov, M.  (2021)Development of Planning Documentation for Infrastructure Corridors and Other Major Projects of Interest to the State and Their Relationship to the Heritage. Proceedings, XI Scientific and professional conference with international participation: Architectural Heritage and Urban Planning, (2021), Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade and Institute for Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, pp. 444-453, ISBN 978-86-6100-000-3;

    (M63) Danilović Hristić, N, Stefanović, N, Hristov, M.  (2019) Experience of Post-War Reconstruction of European Cities. Proceedings, X Scientific and professional conference with international participation (2019) ”Cultural Heritage, Riscs and Perspectives”, Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade and Institute for Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, pp.117-127,  ISBN 978-86-89779-65-3.

    List of selected professional results (team leading as responsible planner)

    Urban project design with conceptual design for multifamily and social housing building in Požarevac (approval of City Council of Požarevc Muniicpality No.  04-350-310/2017) – member of the team;

    Building design  for multifamily and social housing building in Požarevac (realised) –  responsible architect;

    Detailed regulation plan of the pier “Dragulj” in Kostolac (“Official Gazette of the City of Požarevac”, No. 04/19) –member of the team;

    Urban project design for building of auxiliary technical facilities in use of main facilities of thermal power plant „Kostolac A“ in municipality of Kosotolac (approval of Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure No. 50-01-01491/2020-11) – member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan for construction and reconstruction of DV 110 kV No. 151/2 TS Pančevo 2 – TS Alibunar, section from TS Pancevo 2 to pillar no. 99 on the territory of the city of Pančevo (“Official Gazette of the City of Pančevo”, No. 20/21) –member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan of the state road Ib Šabac – Loznica in Šabac (“Official Gazette of the City of Šabac”, no. 35/20) –member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan of infrastructure corridor of Ib state road no. 26 on administrative territory of the city of Loznica, (“Official Gazette of city of Loznica “, No. 4/20) –member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan of the infrastructure corridor of the Ib state road Šabac-Loznica in the municipality of Bogatić and the state road Ib Slepčević – border crossing Badovinci (Pavlovića most), (“Official Gazette of City of Šabac and municipalities: Bogatić, Vladimirci i Koceljeva” No. 23/19) –member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan of the new section of state road Ib no. 27 Valjevo-Loznica, on the territory of the city of Loznica (“Official Gazette of city of Loznica “, No. 24/20) –member of the team;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area for implementation of the project of exploitation and processing of Jadarit mineral „Jadar“ („Official gazette  RS“, No. 26/20) –member of the team;

    Detailed regulation plan of tourist complex “Špic” in Municipality of Veliko Gradište (“Official Gazette of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište”, No. 29/21) –member of the team;

    Changes and amendments of the General Urban Plan of Valjevo (‘’Official gazette of City of Valjevo“, No. 20/21) – member of the team;

    Urban project design of shooting range “Careva Ćuprija” in the preserved spatial and cultural-historical area “Topčider” in Belgrade (2022) – member of the team.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Комисија за планове општине Тител;

    Друштво архитеката Београда ДАБ;

    Удружење архитеката Србије УАС.

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