Sanja Simonović Alfirević, PhD

Dipl.Eng.Ach, PhD in architecture
Senior Research Fellow
Т: + 381 11 3207 323
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in architecture (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

    Dipl.Eng.Ach (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, 2006)

    Professional titles and licenses

    Licenced architecture – License 381 for Responsible engineer for Energy Efficiency of buildings (2018)

    Professional experience

    2021 Senior Research Fellow in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2016-2021. Research Fellow in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2008-2014. Research Associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia)

    2005-2007. teaching associate at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2021 -2024. GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development- Component 1 Selection# 1275674 Strengthening capacities of Local Self-Governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments expert, financed by the World Bank.

    2018-2021. INTERREG Danube transnational Programme IPA/EBRD project “ConnectGREEN – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin DTP 072-2.3 member of the core work team, Country focal point (WP2 and communication coordinator).

    2018-2020. Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and Green city action plan (GCAP) The leading partner on the project is Mott MacDonald Limited of Mott MacDonald House, United Kingdom and the city of Belgrade. Project no: C39113rev/6656/28195, financed by the Republic of Japan and the EBRD. as the head of the working team for improving the methodology of strategic impact assessments in front of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia

    2017-2019. INTERREG Danube transnational Programme IPA/EBRD пројекат ATTRACTIVE DANUBE „Improving capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”, project code DTP1-270-4.1, team member.

    2011-2019. “Spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of settlement development and climate change – mutual impacts“ (ТR 36035), financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, team member.

    2008.-2011. “Sustainable development and arrangement of spas and other tourist resorts in Serbia“ (ТR 16007), financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, team member. 2008-2009. Pilot project “Program for developing Brankovina Urban plan” (project leader Mila Pucar, PhD), team member

    Prizes and awards

    2022 Appreciation for participation and contribution in the educational activities of the school, awarded by Elementary School ‘Karađorđe,’ Voždovac, Belgrade.

    2022. Third prize at the 31st International Salon of Urbanism 2022, Čačak, 8-13. November 2022, in the category Competitions. Name of the project: Competition for the development of an urban-architectural solution for Liberation Square in Zaječar. Authors: Božidar Manić, Sanja Gogić, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Tijana Crnčević.

    2021. Second prize at the Design Competition for the development of the urban architectural solution of the “Liberation Square” in Zajecar, 2021. Authors of the competition: B. Мanić, S. Gogić, S. Simonović Alfirević, T. Crnčević

    2021. Recognition on the 30th International Urban Planner Exhibition 2021, Niš, 8-13 November 2021, cathegory: Researches studies and projects from the fields of urban and spatial planning; project title: Research for the GCAP – Green City Action Plan for City of Belgrade and the SECAP – Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan; authors: М. Pucar, S. Simonović Alfirević, М. Pantić, М. Nenković-Riznić, S. Petrović.

    2021. Recognition on the 30th International Urban Planner Exhibition 2021, Niš, 8-13 November 2021, cathegory: Researches studies and projects from the fields of natural protection, landscape protection, environmental protection and landscape architecture; project title: The program-urban study of development of the cultural-historical memorial complex Brankovina and a proposal of measures for the protection against climate change; authors: М. Pucar, B. Simić, S. Simonović Alfirević.

    2020. First prize on the 29th International Urban Planner Exhibition 2020, Kragujevac, 10-13 November 2020, cathegory: Researches studies and projects from the fields of natural protection, landscape protection, environmental protection and landscape architecture; project title: Application of the spatial dispersion model of air pollution in determining the cumulative and synergetic effects of the National Plan for the reduction of major pollutants emissions from old large combustion plants (NERP – National Emission Reduction Plan) on the sustainable spatial development of the energy sector in Serbia, authors: B. Јosimović, S. Milijić, B. Manić, S. Simonović Alfirević, D. Todorović, Ј. Filipović;

    2020. Aleksandar Šaletić Fund Award at the 52nd ULUPUDS May Exhibition “Artistic Coup”, Balkan Cinema, 15-30 October 2020, for the best interior design project: “Curtain Wall House”.

    2018. Jury mention for the salon apartment interior „Оptimal”, 50th ULUPUDS May Exhibition, 2018 Gallery of the National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade. (co-author: Đorđe Alfirević).

    2017. Cross-Cultural Ambassador, UNESCO Club Sorbonne, Paris, 2017.

    2012. Second prize at the international competition “Through Ito Jakuchu’s Eyes”, Tokyo, 2012, for the pavilion project (co-author: Đorđe Alfirević),

    2012. Third prize in the competition for the conceptual design of the future appearance of the new Belgrade fountains, for the project of a standardized Belgrade fountain, Belgrade, 2012 (co-author: Đorđe Alfirević).

    2010. The first prize in the competition for improving the manner and technology of housing construction in Serbian villages called “Beautiful Serbia”, 2010, awarded by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers (author: M. Pucar, co-authors: S. Simonovic and N. Jankovic)

    2008. Winner of the Serbian passport in the action “New Serbian passport – the new face of Serbia”, under the auspices of Novosti, the Government of Serbia and RTS, intended for deserving citizens, successful students and experts, in the category of the best student of the Faculty of Architecture, 2008.

    2007.”Saint Sava Award” of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, for the best diploma thesis in 2006 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 2007

    2007. Diploma of the best student of the generation of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade in the school year 2005/2006.

    2007. “Novosti Company Award” for architecture (student category), 2007.

    List of selected publications

    M10 Monographs, monographic studies, thematic anthologies, lexicographic and cartographic publications of international importance

    Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Alfirević Đorđe. „Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration”, Thematic Proceedings “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision” – Selection of papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade SmartArt 2021, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 23–25 September 2021, pp. 450-462, ISBN 978-86-80245-44-7

    M20 Papers published in scientific journals of international importance; scientific criticism; editing journals

    Marković S, Stevanović V, Simonović Alfirević S, Stevanov Ј. „Subjective experience of architectural objects: a cross-cultural study”. Psihologija (2016) Vol. 49 (2), pp. 149-167. (UDC 159.937.5.075:[72.01:111.852; DOI: 10.2298/PSI1602149M)

    Alfirević, Đ., Alfirević Simonović, S. (2015) Urban Housing Experiments in Yugoslavia 1948-1970. Spatium International Review, 43, pp. 1-9, ISSN 14 50-569X. (DOI: 10.2298/SPAT1534001A)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. „Brutalism in Serbian Architecture: Style or Necessity?”. Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No.3 (2017), pp. 317-331. (UDC:72(497.11)”19″, DOI:10.2298/FUACE160805028A)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. „’Socialist Apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or Tendency?” Spatium International Review, No. 40 (2018), pp.8-17 (UDC 728.22(497.1)”1945/1991”; 72:316.75; DOI:

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. „Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation”. Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2018), pp. 189-201. (DOI: 10.2298/FUACE170414002A, UDC 728)

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2019). Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres, Spatium International Review 42, pp. 1-7. (UDC 728.1; DOI:

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2020) Significance of Territoriality in Spatial Organization of Coliving Communities.” Архитектура и урбанизам, 50, pp. 7-19 (UDK: 728.3.012; 316.334.56, DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-25785)

    Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Kovačević Branislava, Pucar Mila. „Historical Landscape of Immovable Cultural Properties in Brankovina and Flood Protection Measures”. Facta Universitatis, Working and Living Environmental Protection Vol. 13, No 1, 2016, pp. 41 – 51. (UDC 614.81:719 (497.11Brankovina))

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2019). Design Principles for Achieving Spatiality in Living Space, Архитектура и урбанизам 48, pp. 37-53. (

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2020). Parameters of Spatial Comfort in Architecture, Архитектура и урбанизам 51, pp. 33-45. (

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. „Achieving use value of a living space” Spatium International Review, No. 44 (2020), pp. 22-28. (UDC 782.1, DOI:

    Živković Dragan, Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Gogić Sanja (2021) Hotel Majestic as the first boutique hotel in Serbia Архитектура и урбанизам, 53, pp. 36-47 (UDK: 725.75(497.11), DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-33666)

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2021). Motifs for Emphasizing Corners in the Characterization of Corner Infill Buildings, Архитектура и урбанизам 53, pp. 74-88. (

    Alfirević, Đ., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2022) The polyvalence of an open plan apartment – characteristics and spatial organization principles” Архитектура и урбанизам, 54, pp. 27-43, (UDK: 728.2.012, DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-34066)

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. (2022) Micro-apartments: achieving spatial comfort in substandard housing conditions” Архитектура и урбанизам, 55, pp. 5-23 (UDK: 728.2.012, DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-36566)

    Danilović Hristić Nataša, Nenković-Riznić Marina, Simonović Alfirević Sanja (2022) Education Programs for Young People in the Fields of Architectural Formatting, Heritage, Urban and Spatial Planning, Архитектура и урбанизам, 55, Online first (DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-37128)

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture”, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol. 20, No 3, 2022, pp. 249-260, UDC 72.012.6

    Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Alfirević Đorđe. “Architecture as an Instrument of Performative Practice”. Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol. 21, No 3, 2023, pp. 369-382, UDC 72.01 7.05)

    М30 Proceedings of international scientific conferences

    Marina Nenković-Riznić, Nataša Danilović Hristić, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue, Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND, 02-03.12.2022, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 287-292, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6

    Marina Nenković-Riznić, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, “Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication”, Book of Proceedings from the Fourth IRASA International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022, 1 October 2022, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia., pp. 393-400., ISBN 978-86-81512-07-4

    Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Nenković-Riznić Marina. “Assessment of Brownfield Locations in Ten Cities in Serbia: A Comparative Study and new ideas for improvement“. Book of Proceedings from the Fifth IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI V 2023. Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 13th and 14th October 2023, pp. 456-464, 978-86-81512-11-1

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “Typology of Micro Apartments Based on the Structure of Living Space.” Book of Proceedings from the Fifth IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI V 2023. Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 13th and 14th October 2023, pp. 444-455, ISBN 978-86-81512-11-1

    Pucar Mila, Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Nenković-Riznić Marina, Petrović Snežana, “New Methodology in Green City Planning – the Way to Sustainable Urban Development,” Book of Proceedings of Third International Scientific Conference “Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI III 2021”, 17.09.2021, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 399-405. (ISBN 978-953-49672-1-8)

    Svetlana Dimitrijević Marković, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Mila Pucar, Snežana Petrović, “Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations” in book: Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory, eds. Florian Nepravishta, Andrea Maliqari, pp. 267-272. Tirana: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tirana, “La scuola di Pitagora editrice”, Italy, 2021. ISBN: 978-88-6542-814-6, ISBN: 978-88-6542-815-3 (e-book)

    Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Đorđe Alfirević, “The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing”, Book of Proceedings from the Fourth IRASA International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022, 1 October 2022, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia., pp. 414-426., ISBN 978-86-81512-07-4

    Marina Nenković-Riznić, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Mila Pucar, Borjan Brankov, Citizens’ participation during Covid 19 pandemic: Lessons for the future, Conference proceedings of 4th ICUP 2022 – International conference on urban planning, 09-10.11.2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia, pp. 69-77, ISSN 2738-0548

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “The Experience of Territoriality in the Living Space.” Proceedings from the International Conference Synergy of Architecture & Civil Engineering – SINARG 2023 – Volume 1, Niš (SERBIA) – Science & Technology Park Niš – September 14-15, 2023, pp. 185-196, ISBN 978-86-88601-80-1, ISBN 978-86-88601-82-5 (FOR PUBLISHING ISSUE)

    Simonović, S., Kovačević, B., Pucar, M. (2014) Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina. In: Liakopoulos, A., Kungolos, A., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos Island: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA; Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece; Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Greece, pp. 1068-1074, ISBN 978-960-88490-6-8

    Pucar, M., Simonović, S., Janković, N. (2012) Implications of a New Methodology Applied onto Models of Traditional Residential Buildings in the Villages of Serbia. In: Olabi, Abdul Ghani, Benyounis, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP 2012 :“Environment & Clean Technologies”, Dublin: Dublin City University, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, pp.120-126, ISBN: 978-1-873769-10-2.

    Dimitrijević Marković S, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M, Petrović S: „Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade”, IFAU19 – 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism. Modernization and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Heritage. Paper Proceedings Book/ ed. Florian Nepravishta, Andrea Maliqari – Tiranë: Flesh, 2019. ISBN: 978-9928-131-92-8, pp. 293-300. (e-book PDF)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. „Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality”, Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction””, Belgrade: The Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, 28–30.11.2019., pp. 140-150 (ISBN 978-86-80245-40-9)

    Simonović, S., Pucar, M. (2011) Ecological Prototypes as Operative Mechanisms of Transforming Territory. In: Stanković, M. (Ed.) International Academic and Professional Conference “Architecture and Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Geodesy – past, present, future”, Banja Luka: Faculty of Architecture University of BanjaLuka, pp.135-144, ISBN 978-99955-667-7-7, COBISS.BH-ID 2399512.

    Pucar, M., Nikolić, D., Nikolić, Z., Simonović, S. (2009) Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application. In: Đurović, M. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Future of its Application, Budva: The Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 9-22., ISBN 978-86-7215-234-0, COBIS. CG-ID 0.

    Simonović, S., Pucar, M. (2012) Second Nature: Artificial Ecology. In: Bogdanović, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Development and Planning: New Urbanity – Cities vs. Global Challenges, Belgrade: STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association, pp. 372-381. , ISBN 978-86-89111-00-2.

    Simić Branislava, Simonović Alfirević Sanja, Pucar Mila: „Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference “Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns”, 11-12.05. 2017. Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, pp. 124-133, ISBN 978-86-80929-38-5

    Mila Pucar, Snežana Petrović, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Tatjana Videnović: „Energy Improvement of Architectural Heritage in Response to Climate Change”, Proceedings of the X Scientific-Professional Conference “Cultural Heritage: Risks and Perspectives”, 27.05.2019. Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 175-187, ISBN 978-86-89779-65-3

    Mila Pucar, Snežana Petrović, Sanja Simonović Alfirević: „Urban reconstruction as an outright solution to the legalization of the illegal construction on the example of Altina 2 settlement in Belgrade”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Environmental Impact of Illegal Construction, Poor Planning and Design – IMPEDE 2019”, 10-11.10.2019. Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 350-358, ISBN 978-86-901238-0-3

    М40 Monographs of national importance

    Đorđe Alfirević, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Principles of residential space configuration. Belgrade: Institute for Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, 2023. ISSN 0352-2180, ISBN 978-86-82154-02-0

    Simonović Alfirević S. Architecture and performance studies: the aspect of performativity. Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2018. (ISBN: 978-86-80329-91-8)

    Pucar, M., Kovacevic, B., Simonovic Alfirevic, S. (2015) Model of development of the cultural-historical complex Brankovina with a proposal for measures to protect against climate change, In: Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M. (Ed.), Spatial, ecological, energy and social aspects of settlement development and climate change, Special editions, no.78, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80329-85-7.

    М50 Papers in journals of national importance

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. (2015) Infill Architecture: Design Approaches for In-Between Buildings and „Bond” as Integrative Element”, Архитектура и урбанизам, 41, pp. 24-39, ISSN 0354-6055 (DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-8293)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Open-plan in Housing Architecture: Origin, Development and Design Approaches for Spatial Integration”, Архитектура и урбанизам, 43 (2016), pp. 45-60 (UDK:72.012.3/.4; 728.012; DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-11551)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. „ Interpretations of Space within Space Concept in Contemporary Open-Plan Architecture”. Архитектура и урбанизам, 42 (2016), pp. 24-39 (UDK: 72.012; 72.01;DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-9913)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. ’Circular Connection’ Concept in Housing Architecture”. Архитектура и урбанизам, 46 (2018), pp. 26-38. (UDK: 728.012;72.012, DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-16252)

    Simonović Alfirević, S, Đorđe A. ”Performance Studies as New Anthropology of Events.” Art+Media Journal, 12 (2017): 149-157. (

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. (2015) Typology of two-track assemblies in multi-family housing, Архитектура и урбанизам, 40, pp. 7-15, ISSN 0354-6055 (DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-6549)

    Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. (2014) Two-track structure in residential architecture in Serbia, Архитектура и урбанизам, 39, pp. 7-16, ISSN 0354-6055 (DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-5441)

    Alfirević, Đ., Alfirević Simonović, S. (2013) Belgrade apartment, Архитектура и урбанизам, 38, pp. 41-47, ISSN 0354-6055 (DOI: 10.5937/a-u38-4770)

    Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović, S., Nikolić, D. (2009) Possibilities of Application Photovoltaic Systems in Urban Areas – Case Studies), Energetika, 3-4, Savez energetičara ENERGETIKA, pp. 104-109, ISSN 0354-8651.

    Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović, S. (2009) Regional concepts of environmental protection and waste management on the examples of Southern Pomerania, Архитектура и урбанизам, 26, pp. 77-88, ISSN 0354-6055.

    Čarapić, A., Simonović, S., Manić, B. (2009) Architecture: “Borders, manifestos, utopian visions.” Review of the eleventh Venice Biennale”, Архитектура и урбанизам, 24/25, pp. 7-14, ISSN 0354-6055.

    Simonović, S. (2008) Technological model of sustainable development on the example of “TGV” transport system of France, Архитектура и урбанизам, 22/23, pp. 60-75, ISSN 0354-6055.

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “The ‘salon’ apartment between the two world wars in Serbia: reconsidering the justification of using the term”. Архитектура и урбанизам, 44 (2017), pp. 7-13. (UDK: 728.226(497.11)”1918/1941″, DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-11638)

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “Designing interpolations: Conversations with architects Svetislav Ličin, Spasoj Krunić, Branislav Mitrović, Goran Vojvodić and Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić”. Архитектура и урбанизам, 45 (2017), pp. 52-71. (UDK: 72.071.1:929 Личина С.(047.53); 72.071.1:929 Крунић С.(047.53); 72.071.1:929 Митровић Б.(047.53); 72.071.1:929 Војводић Г.(047.53); 72.071.1:929 Ивановић-Војводић Ј.(047.53), DOI: 10.5937/a-u0-12539)

    Alfirević Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević Sanja. „Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment”. Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering (Niš), Vol. 17, No. 3 (2019), pp. 327-340. (UDC 728.2, 72.052.2; DOI: 10.2298/FUACE190523019A)

    Simonović Alfirević Sanja. “Performance as an act of communication”. Teatron, magazine for literary arts, No.182/183, YU ISSN 0351 – 7500, year XLII (spring/summer 2018), p. 127-144.

    Alfirević, Đ., Alfirević Simonović, S. (2015) Polarisation of Expressive Tendencies in Serbian Architecture at the Beginning of XXI Century, Zbornik Matice srpske za likovne umetnosti, 43, str. 321-334. (UDK 72(497.11)”20”)

    М60 Invited lectures at gatherings of national importance

    Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović, S. (2008) New urbanity – integration of city disintegration: urban gaps. In: Bogdanović, R. (Ed.) Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference: New Urbanity – Integration of Disintegration of the City, Belgrade: Association of Urbanists of Belgrade, pp. 25-40, ISBN 978-86-907727-4-2.

    Čarapić, A., Simonović, S. (2009) Housing: the transformation of the principles of modernity in the contemporary architectural context. In: Marić, I., Milijić, S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Management, Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, pp. 101-111, ISBN 978-86-80329-52-9.

    Petrović, S., Pucar, M., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2014) Analysis of the mutual influence of the object and the environment – optimization of the level of sustainability, In: Aćić, M., Pucar, R. (Eds.) Proceedings: X International Scientific expert meeting, Contemporary theory and practice in construction, Banja Luka: Institute for Construction a.d. Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture and Construction Banja Luka, p. 319-328, ISBN 978-99955-630-9-7.

    Čarapić, A., Simonović, S. (2010) Landscape architecture: Form or trace. In: Radonjanin, V., Kurtović-Folić, N. (Eds.), Proceedings: Symposium of doctoral students in the field of civil engineering, architecture and environmental protection, PhIDAC 2010, Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, pp. 35-42, ISBN 978-86-7892-276-3.

    Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović, S., Nikolić, D. (2008) Application of photovoltaic systems in the function of urban development – world experiences and local possibilities. In: Bogdanović, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference: New Urbanism – Integration Disintegration of the City, Belgrade: Društvo urbanista Beograda, p. 247-266, ISBN 978-86-907727-4-2.

    Marković, S., Stevanović, V., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2015) The effect of culture on the subjective experience of architectural space. In: Lazarevic, Lj. (Ed.) Summary Book: XXI Scientific Meeting: Empirical Research in Psychology, Belgrade: Institute of Psychology, Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, p. 22-23, ISBN 978-86-6427-005-2.

    М70 Doctoral dissertation

    Simonović Alfirević, S. (2016) Architecture Performativity, doctoral dissertation, Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade (UDC 72:001.891(043.3))

    М80 Technical solutions

    “Application of the model of spatial dispersion of air pollution in the function of determining the cumulative and synergetic effects of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions of Major Pollutants from Old Large Combustion Plants (NERP – National Emission Reduction Plan), on sustainable spatial development of the energy sector in Serbia. Authors of the technical solution: Dr. B Josimović, Dr. S Milijić, Dr. B Manić, Dr. S Simonović Alfirević, Assistant Professor Dr. Dušan Todorović, prof. Dr. Jovan Filipovic

    “A New Methodological Approach to Data Analysis for Integrated Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) and Environmental Impact Assessment of Analysis Results in Urban Areas.” Authors of the technical solution: Mila Pucar, Ph.D., Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Ph.D., Marina Nenković-Riznić, Ph.D., Snežana Petrović, Ph.D.

    М100 Performed works, awards, studies, exhibitions, judging and curatorial work of international importance

    The first prize at the 29th International Urbanism Salon 2020 in Kragujevac, November 10-13, 2020, in the category of Research, Studies, and Projects in the field of nature protection, landscape protection, environmental protection, and landscape architecture was awarded for the project: “Application of the spatial dispersion model of air pollution in determining the cumulative and synergistic effects of the National Emission Reduction Plan for major pollutants originating from old large incineration plants (NERP, National Emission Reduction Plan), on the sustainable spatial development of the energy sector in the Republic of Serbia, 2020.” Authors: B. Josimović, S. Milijić, B. Manić, S. Simonović Alfirović, D. Todorović, J. Filipović. Exhibition Catalog: 29th International Urbanism Salon 2020, Kragujevac, November 10-13, 2020, Kragujevac: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2020, p. 126. (ISBN 978-86-84275-43-3)

    The third prize at the 31st International Urbanism Salon 2022 in Čačak, November 8-13, 2022, in the category of Competitions. Project title: “Competition for the development of urban-architectural solutions for Liberation Square in Zaječar.” Authors: Božidar Manić, Sanja Gogić, Sanja Simonović Alfirović, Tijana Crnčević. Exhibition Catalog: 31st International Urbanism Salon 2021, Čačak, November 8-13, 2022, Čačak: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2022, p. 119.

    Recognition at the 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021 in Niš, November 8-13, 2021, in the category of Research, Studies, and Projects in the field of spatial and urban planning. Project title: “Research within the development of the Green City Action Plan – City of Belgrade (GCAP) and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for the City of Belgrade (SECAP).” Authors: M. Pucar, S. Simonović Alfirović, M. Pantić, M. Nenkov-Riznić, S. Petrović. Exhibition Catalog: 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021, Niš, November 8-13, 2021, Niš: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2021, p. 126.

    Recognition at the 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021 in Niš, November 8-13, 2021, in the category of Research, Studies, and Projects in the field of nature protection, landscape protection, environmental protection, and landscape architecture. Project title: “Program-urbanistic study of solutions for the cultural-historical monument complex Brankovina and proposal of measures for protection against climate change.” Authors: M. Pucar, B. Simić, S. Simonović Alfirović. Exhibition Catalog: 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021, Niš, November 8-13, 2021, Niš: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2021, p. 142.

    Participation in the 39th Architecture Salon “In Reality,” 2017, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade. Category: architectural criticism. Exhibition Catalog: Thirty-ninth Architecture Salon March 29 – April 30, 2017, catalog editor Ljiljana Miletić Abramović, Belgrade: Museum of Applied Arts, 2017, p. 117. (ISBN 978-86-7415-199-0)

    Participation in the 42nd Architecture Salon, 2020, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade, monograph “Architecture and Performance Studies: Aspects of Performativity.” Category: publications, Exhibition Catalog: Forty-second Architecture Salon September 10 – October 3, 2020, catalog editor Ljiljana Miletić Abramović, Belgrade: Museum of Applied Arts, 2020, p. 162. (ISBN 978-86-7415-220-1)

    Participation in the 42nd Architecture Salon, 2020, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade. Journal Architecture and Urbanism. Category: publications. Exhibition Catalog: Forty-second Architecture Salon September 10 – October 3, 2020, catalog editor Ljiljana Miletić Abramović, Belgrade: Museum of Applied Arts, 2020, p. 178. (ISBN 978-86-7415-220-1)

    Participation in the 29th International Urbanism Salon 2020, Kragujevac, November 10-13, 2020, in the category of Research, Studies, and Projects in the field of spatial and urban planning. Project title: “ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Management and restoration of ecological corridors as green infrastructure in the Danube Basin, 2018-2021.” Authors: M. Nenkov-Riznić, M. Maksin, S. Simonović Alfirović, N. Krunić, B. Brankov, N. Danilović Hristić, M. Nenić, A. Gajić. Exhibition Catalog: 29th International Urbanism Salon 2020, Kragujevac, November 10-13, 2020, Kragujevac: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2020, p. 109. (ISBN 978-86-84275-43-3)

    Participation in the 32nd International Urbanism Salon 2023, Niš, Scientific-Technological Park, November 8-11, 2023, in the category of Urban Projects and Implementations. Project title: “Urban Project for Reconstruction, Expansion, and Adaptation, and Formation of Building Parcel (from parts cadastral plots 2311/1, 2312/1, and 2312/3 all Cadastral Municipality Vozdovac) of the public facility, Elementary School ‘Karađorđe’ at Jove Ilića Street No. 2 in Belgrade.” Authors: Božidar Manić, Sanja Simonović Alfirović, Tanja Njegić, Tijana Crnčević, Sanja Nikolić. Exhibition Catalog: 32nd International Urbanism Salon 2023, Catalog Editor: Jasna Marićević, Niš: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2023, p. 105. (05.14.) ISBN: 978-86-84275-48-8

    Participation in the 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021, Niš, November 8-13, 2021, in the category of Research, Studies, and Projects in the field of spatial and urban planning. Project title: “Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for the City of Belgrade (SECAP) and the Green City Action Plan for Belgrade (GCAP) (2021).” Authors: M. Nenkov-Riznić, M. Pucar, S. Simonović Alfirović, S. Petrović, M. Pantić. Exhibition Catalog: 30th International Urbanism Salon 2021, Niš, November 8-13, 2021, Niš: Association of Urbanists of Serbia, 2021, p. 140.

    Participation in the exhibition within the 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale titled “Iconic Nomads in Global Village,” held at the Balkan Cinema exhibition space from December 8-16, 2021, in Belgrade. Also, by invitation, presentation at the accompanying exhibition “Belgrade Apartment Today,” held in the same space and timeframe as part of BAB 2021. Balcan Architectural Biennale – BAB Exhibition Catalog, p. 118.

    Participation in the STRAND exhibition, 2022. Project: ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin. Authors: Marina Nenković-Riznić, Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Nataša Danilović Hristić. “On Architecture – Philosophy of Architecture,” Proceedings, 10th International Conference, STRAND, December 2-3, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6

    Participation in the 53rd May Exhibition of ULUPUDS (Association of Fine Artists of Applied Arts and Designers of Serbia) titled “Uvid 21,” Belgrade, 2021. Catalog Editor: Neda Radoičić, Belgrade: ULUPUDS, 2021, p. 10. (ISBN 978-86-6213-098-3)

    Participation in the 48th May Exhibition of ULUPUDS titled “Identity,” Gallery of RTS (Radio Television of Serbia), Belgrade, 2016. Catalog Editor: Mirjana Bajić, Belgrade: ULUPUDS, 2016, p. 8. (ISBN 978-86-6213-049-5)

    Participation in the 49th May Exhibition of ULUPUDS titled “Over the Line,” SKC Gallery, Belgrade, 2017. Catalog Editor: Mirjana Bajić, Belgrade: ULUPUDS, 2017, p. 10. (ISBN 978-86-6213-058-7)

    Participation in the 50th May Exhibition of ULUPUDS titled “Duration,” Gallery of the National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade, 2018. Catalog Editor: Iva Leković, Belgrade: ULUPUDS, 2018, p. 8. (ISBN 978-86-6213-065-5)

    Participation in the 51st May Exhibition of ULUPUDS titled “Breath,” Belgrade, 2019. Exhibition space: Andrićev Venac 2, Belgrade. Catalog Editor: Iva Leković, Belgrade: ULUPUDS, 2019, p. 10. (ISBN 978-86-6213-069-3)

    List of selected professional results

    2022 Urban planning project for the reconstruction, extension and adaptation, and the formation of a construction plot (from parts of the building lot 2311/1, 2312/1 and 2312/3 all cadastral municipality Voždovac) of the public purpose building, Elementary School “Karađorđe” in Jove Ilića Street no. 2 in Belgrade

    2018-2021 Research for the SECAP – Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), as a team member. Projects: Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) & Green Cities Action Plan for Belgrade (GCAP), Project no: C39113rev/6656/28195, are financed by the Republic of Japan and the EBRD.

    2015 General regulation plan for a part of the settlement Brankovina, Official Gazette of the City of Valjevo 4/2015, authors: M. Pucar, B. Simić, S. Simonović Alfirević.

    2010 The first prize in the competition for improving the manner and technology of housing construction in Serbian villages called “Beautiful Serbia”, 2010, awarded by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers (author: M. Pucar, co-authors: S. Simonovic and N. Jankovic)

    2008 Solar power plant construction project; Municipality of Vracar; project realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, authors: M. Pucar, D. Nikolić, S. Simonović)

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    Association of Belgrade Architects

    Union of Architects of Serbia

    Serbian Chamber of Engineers

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    Member of the Scientific Committee of the XI Scientific-Professional Conference “Architectural Heritage and Urban Planning”], held on May 27, 2021 in Belgrade. Conference organizers: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade and the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    Member of the Organizing Committee of the X Scientific-Professional Conference “Cultural Heritage: Risks And Perspectives”, held on May 27, 2019 in Belgrade. Conference organizers: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade and the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Editorial Board of the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (since 2016)

    Publishing Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia (since 2015)

    Other (teaching engagement, professional practice and other forms of education, Doctoral supervisions, etc.)

    since 2021 Doctoral supervision to Sanja (Gogić) Nikolić, MArch, doctoral student at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

    2019 Professional lecture with M. Pucar, PhD within the program of professional practice of students of the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, organized at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia

    2014 and 2015, Professional lecture with M. Pucar, PhD within the specialist studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, organized at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia: Master of Academic Studies “Integral Urbanism”

    2005-2007. participation at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, as an assistant – teaching associate, at the Department of Architecture and the Department of Architectural Technologies, within graduate and undergraduate academic studies.

    Professional / research profiles

    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1243-8459

    Scopus Author ID: 57095991500




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