Nataša Danilović Hristić

Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning
Senior Research Associate
Т: + 381 11 3207 346
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in Technical Sciences in the Field of Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2010);

    Master of Technical Sciences in the Field of Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2001);

    Graduated Engineer of Architecture (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 1995).

    Professional titles and licenses

    License 200 of responsible urban planner (2003);

    License 300 of responsible architectural designer (2007);

    Certificate of passing the professional exam, 1997.

    Professional experience

    from 2020 -Senior Research associate at the Institute for Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2017-2020 -Research associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2001-2017 – JUP Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, responsible urban planner, director of the Sector for Regulatory Planning, Technical Director;

    1996-2001 – Simex Engineering, design and execution of works.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2017-2019 Scientific and Research Project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development “Sustainable Spatial Development of Podunavlje in Serbia” No. TR36036.

    2018-2021 International Project ”ConnectGREEN” (Interreg, Danube Transnational Programme DTP 072-2.3), ”Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as green infrastructure in the Danube basin” – Managing and restoring ecological corridors as green infrastructure in the Danube Basin, management of WP5: Stakeholders network and mainstreaming connectivity.

    Leadership in projects
    2023 ‘’Safeguarding Women and Girls in Serbia’’ UN Women, Roadmap for implementing urban safety measures in urban planning process

    Prizes and awards

    2021   Recognition in the category “Regional spatial plans and spatial plans of the special purpose area”, 30. International Salon of Urbanism, Niš, Rad: Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Infrastructure Corridor of IB State Road, Highway E-75 Belgrade-Nis (loop “Pozarevac”) – Pozarevac (bypass) – Veliko Gradište – Golubac, group of authors.

    2020   Recognition in the category “Regional spatial plans and spatial plans of the special purpose area”, 29. International Salon of Urbanism, Kragujevac, Rad: Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area for realization of jadarit mineral exploitation and processing project “Jadar”, group of authors.

    2019   Recognition in the category “Plans for Detailed Regulation”, 28. International Salon of UrbanIsm, Nis, work: Plan of detailed regulation of ”Jewel” in Kostolac, team manager, responsible urban planner.

    2019   Grand Prize for work: 28. International Salon of Urban Planning, Nis, Strategy for Sustainable and Integral Urban Development in the Republic of Serbia by 2030. In 2013, in the category ‘Regional spatial plans and spatial plans of the special purpose area’ – member of the team.

    2018   Recognition in the category “Plans for Detailed Regulation”, 27. International Salon of Urbanism, Ruma, for the work of the Plan of Detailed Regulation for gondola Kalemegdan – Usce, city municipalities Stari Grad and New Belgrade – member of the team.

    2016   First prize in the category “Research and Study in the Field of Spatial and Urban Planning”. 25 International Salon of Urbanism, Sremska Mitrovica, Rad: Manual for Open Public Spaces – City of Belgrade – member of the team.

    2013   Third prize in the publication category 22. salon of urbanism in Nis, for monograph: “Safety of urban spaces”.

    2012   Annual award “Milorad Macura” of the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, for the best PhD dissertation defensive at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade in the 2010/2011 school year.

    2008   Second prize (in the publication category) at the 17th International Book Awards in Belgrade. International Salon of UrbanIsm in Bijeljina, for publication: “Safer public spaces, study on the safety of public urban spaces in Belgrade”.

    2007 Recognition at the 17th World Bank Awards. International Salon of UrbanIsm in Nis, in the category of publications, for the work “Safer Places – System of Planning and Prevention of Crime”.

    2002  Special award for young scientists – Masters of Science, for best master’s work, based on the competition of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Republic of Serbia.

    List of selected publications

    (М14) Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N.(2021), Implementation of the Sustainable Development and Protection of the Cultural Heritage in Different Levels of Spatial and Urban Planning – Case Study of the Republic of Serbia. In: Turcanu-Carutiu, D.   (Ed) Heritage – New Paradigm. IntechOpen, London.

    (М14) Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović N. (2019), The Public Awereness and Inclusivity in the Planning Process. In: Editor(s): Vaništa Lazarević, E., Vukmirović, M., Krstić-Furundžić, A., Đukić, A. (2019) Keeping Up with Technologies to Create the Cognitive City. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Chapter Thirteen, pp.179-191, ISBN-13: 978-1-5275-2048-6, ISBN-10: 1-5275-2048-X

    (M14) Stefanović N., Josimović B., Danilović Hristić N. (2018), Models of Implementation of Spatial Plans – Theoretical Approach and Case Studies for Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area. In: Ergen, Y. (Ed) An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning. IntechOpen, London. Chapter 4, pp. 59-81, ISBN 978-1-78984-835-9, Print ISBN: 978-1-78984-834-2, https://doi:10.5772/intechopen.78242

    (M22) Danilovic Hristic, N., Stefanovic, N., Hristov, M. (2023), Implementation Instruments for Developing Sustainable Tourism on Recultivated Land in the Middle Danube Flow. Sustainability, Special Issue “Frontier Progress in Sustainable Tourism: Stakeholder, Society, and Environment Perspectives”, Vo. 15 , Issue 9, 7724 , pp.1-20,

    (M22) Danilović Hristić, N., Lalošević, M., Stefanović, N. (2023), Implementation of Urban Solution for new Faculty Facilities within Spatial Historical and Cultural Units – A Case Study of Belgrade, Serbia. Sustainability, Special Issue “The Role of Cultural Heritage in Promoting the Sustainable Development of Cities and Territories”, Vo.l 15, Issue 6, 5590, pp. 1- 22.    ISSN 2071-1050

    (M22) Stefanović, N.; Danilović Hristić, N.; Petrić, J. (2023), Spatial Planning, Environmental Activism, and Politics—Case Study of the Jadar Project for Lithium Exploitation in Serbia.  Sustainability, Special Issue “Spatial Planning and Sustainable Energy Development”, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 1736. pp.  1- 18.

    (M22) Danilović Hristić N., Stefanović N., Milijić S., (2020), Danube’s river cruises as a strategy for representing the historical heritage and developing of cultural tourism in Serbia, Sustainability, MDPI Basel, 2020/12, Special issue 24, 10297, https://doi:10.3390/su122410297  

    (M23) Stefanović N., Danilović Hristić N., Krstić P., (2021), Transport Analysis of Large Projects as a Key Method in Urban Planning – Belgrade Waterfront Project, Baltica Journal, Vol. 34, No 11, ISSN 0067-3064;

    (M23) Stefanović N., Krunić N., Danilović Hristić N., (2021), The Spatial and Planning Aspect of Solving the Issue of Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Republic of Serbia, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. 36, No 1, 2021, pp 38-49,

    (M23) Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović, N. (2020), Does appearance of the migrants change citizens perception of the public space? Case study of Belgrade, Serbia. Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development, Vol 15, No. 1, 2020, pp. 71-80;

    (M23) Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N., Josimović, B. (2017), Тhe Spatial and Urban Planning Concerns Related to Nuclear Facilities Locations – Case Study of the Vinča Institute Location, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. XXXII, No 1, 2017, pp. 99-108,,

    (M24) Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N. (2023), The Role of Transport Analysis of Planned Content in Large Urban Projects. Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering (FU Arch Civ Eng), Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 73- 94,     

    (M24) Lalošević, M., Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović, N. (2022), Analiza ispuwenosti kriterijuma za izgradwu visokog objekta na lokaciji – studija slučaja kontrolnog tornja na aerodromu ,,Nikola Tesla’’ u Beogradu, Arhitektura i urbanizam ,  55,  str. 47-60,    (in Serbian)

    (M24) Nenković-Riznić, M., Danilović Hristić, N., Simonović Alfirević, S.  (2022),  Programi edukacije najmlađih u oblastima arhitektonskog oblikovanja, nasleđa, urbanističkog I prostornog planiranja. Arhitektura i urbanizam , 56, str. 35-45, Online first  (in Serbian)

    (M24) Hristov, M., Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović, N. (2021), Impact of Overtourism on Urban Life. Spatium 45, pp. 59-66, UDC 711.5:338.48

    (M31) Danilović Hristić, N., Nenković-Riznić, M., Stefanović, N. (2022), Behavior issues and safety aspects in the real and virtual spaces. 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’, STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia, 2nd-3rd December 2022. Book of Abstracts pp. 52, Proceedings (CD) pp. 155-161, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6.

    (M31) Nenković-Riznić, M., Danilović Hristić, N., Simonović Alfirević, S. (2022), New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue. 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’, STRAND, Belgrade, 2nd-3rd December 2022. Book of Abstracts pp. 65, Proceedings (CD) pp. 287-292, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6.

    (M42) Stefanovic, N., Krunic, N., Nenković-Riznić, M., Danilović Hristić, N. (2017), New aspects of planning for special purpose areas in Serbia – experiences and recommendations. Original, in Serbian: Стефановић, Н,. Крунић, Н., Ненковић–Ризнић, М., Даниловић Христић, Н. (2017), Новији аспекти планирања подручја посебне намене у Србији – искуства и препоруке. Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије – ИАУС, Београд, ISBN 978-86-80329-89-5, CIP- 711(497.11) 502.1:711(497.11), COBISS.SR-ID 254278924

    (M42) Danilovic Hristić, N. (2013), Safety of urban spaces. Original, in Serbian: Даниловић Христић, Н. (2013), Безбедност урбаних простора, Београд: Orion Art, ISBN 978-86-83305-82-7.

    (M42) Danilovic, N. (2003) Urban land in the process of transition. Original, in Serbian: Даниловић, Н. (2003), Грађевинско земљиште у процесу транзиције, Београд: Задужбина Андрејевић, ISBN 86-7244-350-0.

    List of selected professional results (team leading as responsible planner)

    Detailed regulation plan of tourist complex “Špic” in Municipality of Veliko Gradište (“Official Gazette of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište”, no. 29/21) – team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan for construction and reconstruction of DV 110 kV No. 151/2 TS Pančevo 2 – TS Alibunar, section from TS Pancevo 2 to pillar no. 99 on the territory of the city of Pančevo (“Official Gazette of the City of Pančevo”, no. 20/21) – team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of the state road IB Šabac – Loznica in Šabac (“Official Gazette of the City of Šabac”, no. 35/20) – team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of infrastructure corridor of IB state road no. 26 on administrative territory of the city of Loznica, (“Official Gazette of city of Loznica “, No. 4/20)– team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of the infrastructure corridor of the IB state road Šabac-Loznica in the municipality of Bogatić and the state road Ib Slepčević – border crossing Badovinci (Pavlovića most), (“Official Gazette of City of Šabac and municipalities: Bogatić, Vladimirci i Koceljeva” No. 23/19) – team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of the new section of state road IB no. 27 Valjevo-Loznica, on the territory of the city of Loznica (“Official Gazette of city of Loznica “, No. 24/20)– team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of multifunctional sports and cultural content in the area of ”Friendship Park” – Usće, city municipalities New Belgrade and Zemun (“Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade”, No. 35/19) – team leader;

    Detailed regulation plan of the pier “Dragulj” in Kostolac (“Official Gazette of the City of Požarevac”, No. 04/19) – team leader;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area for implementation of the project of exploitation and processing of Jadarit mineral „Jadar“ („Official gazette  RS“, No. 26/20) –member of the team;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of infrastructure corridor state road IB, Highway Е-75 Beograd-Niš (intersection „Požarevac”) – Požarevac (bypass) – Veliko Gradište – Golubac (‘’Official gazette RS“ No. 7/21) – member of the team;

    Changes and amendments  of the Spatial plan of infrastructure corridor Niš- Republic Macedonia border (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 100/21) – member of the team;

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of Kolubara regional system of water supply (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 123/21) – member of the team.

    Spatial plan for special purpose area for distribution gas pipeline RG-13 Belgrade-Valjevo-Loznica with elements of detailed regulation (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 67/22) – member of the team.

    Changes and amendments of the Spatial plan for special purpose area of IB state road no. 27 Loznica-Valjevo-Layarevac, section Iverak-Lajkovac (connection with the highway Е-763 Belgrade-South Adriatic sea, section Belgrade-Požega), (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 14/23) – responsible urbanist, member of the synthesis team.

    Spatial plan for special purpose area of infrastructure corridor of high speed road IB from Kragujevac to connection with the state road IА- А5(Е-761) (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 46/23) – member of the synthesis team.

    Changes and amendments  of the Spatial plan for special purpose area of National park Kopaonik (‘’Official gazette  RS“, No. 81/23) – member of the team.

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    From 2021- member of the Steering Board of the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia,

    From 2018- member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia,

    2013-2017- president of the of the Urban planner’s section of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and member of the Steering Board.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    Membership in a number of organizational and scientific committees.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Editorial board of national journal with international Importance SPATIUM (since 2021).


    2018-2022 -reviewer of books, papers in international and national journals, and for international and national congresses and symposiums.

    From 2018- mentor at the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia for PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade;

    From 2018 -member of several commissions of the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia and faculty of architecture of the University of Belgrade for selection in scientific titles.

    From 2005- regular guest lecturer in teaching maintenance at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade.

    Links to professional / research profiles



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