Marina Nenković-Riznić, PhD

BSc Spatial Planner, PhD in architecture and urban planning
Principal Research Fellow, leading spatial/urban/environmental planner
Т: +381 11 3207 314
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in architecture and urban planning (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Department for Urban planning, design and management, 2011);

    MSc in architecture and urban planning (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Department for Urban planning, design and management, 2007);

    BSc in spatial planning (Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Spatial Planning Department, 2002).

    2024 – Principal Research Fellow and leading spatial/urban/environmental planner in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2019-2024 –Senior Research Fellow and leading spatial/urban/environmental planner in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2012-2019 Research Fellow in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2006-2012 Research Associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2002-2006 Research Scholar in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    Professional titles and licenses

    Licenced spatial planner – licence 100 for responsible planner (2011) – 100 0190 11;

    Professional experience

    2024 – Principal Research Fellow and leading spatial/urban/environmental planner in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2019- 2024 Senior Research Fellow and leading spatial/urban/environmental planner in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2012-2019 – Research Fellow in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2006-2012 – Research Associate in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2002-2006 – Research Scholar in Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

    2003-2005 – urban and spatial planner in Center for Urban Development-CEP Belgrade

    2000. – 2001. – Junior planner in ENERGOPROJEKT- Sector for Architecture and Urbanism

    Scientific and professional competence / specialty

    spatial and urban planning and design, improvement and development of new methodologies for assessing the impact of spatial and urban plans on environmental aspects, municipal waste management and municipal infrastructure, location theories, multicriteria analysis and model approaches in waste management (GIS application), application of modern information technologies in planning, strategic assessments and environmental impact assessments for the needs of spatial and urban plans and projects as well as sectoral plans, climate studies (mitigation, adaptation), renewable energy sources and possibilities of their application in urban and rural areas and tourist areas, participation of stakeholders in environmental protection projects environment, risk management, application of the Hospital Safety Index methodology in Serbia, energy efficiency, etc.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2022 – EKOOPŠTINA project in cooperation with the French Embassy, NALED and the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities, as a member of the working team, moderator of all seminars and jury member in the field of waste management;

    2021 CITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAM, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) – Strategic Environmental Assessment of Action Plans through the engagement of a Local SEA expert (Project manager)

    2021 GREEN, LIVABLE, AND RESILIENT CITIES, SERBIA: Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development- Component 1 Selection # 1275674 Strengthening capacities of Local Self-Governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments expert, financed by the World Bank, (Project manager)

    2018.-2021- INTERREG Danube transnational Programme IPA/EBRD project ConnectGREEN „Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin”, project code DTP2-072-2.3,  Project leader

    2020 – “Development of new methodological frameworks and information systems for the establishment of sustainable and resilient cities in Serbia” – institutional funding project (Funds for the implementation of the research presented in this paper were provided by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, registration number : 451-03-68/2023-14/ 200006.) – project manager

    2018-2020. Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and Green city action plan (GCAP) The leading partner on the project is Mott MacDonald Limited of Mott MacDonald House, United Kingdom and the city of Belgrade. Project no: C39113rev/6656/28195, financed by the Republic of Japan and the EBRD. as the head of the working team for improving the methodology of strategic impact assessments in front of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia;

    2016.- Horizon 2020 project No Agro-Waste – NoAW  “Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets”— H2020-WASTE-2014-2015/H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage, Grant Agreement number: 688338, member of the core work team

    2016.-2020- INTERREG Danube transnational Programme IPA/EBRD пројекат ATTRACTIVE DANUBE „Improving capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”, project code DTP1-270-4.1 , member of the core work team

    2016.- “Learning economies. modelling Community-led local development for the sustainable economic trajectories of the Negotin and Zlatibor regions”, number PGR03079, „Executive programme for scientific and technological cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Serbia for the years 2016-2018“, , University of Rome La Sapienza, Faculty of Architecture, University of Alghero and Fondazione Di Vittorio – ex IRES (Istituto Ricerche Economiche e Sociali), member of the core work team

    2010-2020: Sustainable spatial development of the Danube region in Serbia (TP 36036, subproject manager) and Spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of settlement development and climate change – mutual impacts (TP 36035) financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia

    2010: ,,Elements of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment for Flood Risk Management Plan for Tamnava River Basin, Serbia”, Swedish environmental protection agency (SEPA), within the assistance program of the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the European Union (EU), through cooperation between the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic Water Directorate, member of the management team

    2008-2010: Spatial, social and ecological aspects of development in large mining basins (TP 16008) and Sustainable development and arrangement of spas and other tourist resorts in Serbia (TP 16007) funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia

    2006-2008: Sustainable development of Serbian cities (TP 6500A), funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia

    2007. : “Preparation Of The Rural Infrastructure Feasibility And Costing Study – Feasibility Studies for the Stara Planina Mt. Nature Park” у оквиру програма World Bank “Transitional Agriculture Reform GEF Project” and Ministry Of Agriculture Forestry And Water Management (MAFWM),; member of the management team

    2008-2010.: „Pilot River Basin Management Plan for the Kolubara River Basin Swedish environmental protection agency (SEPA), within the assistance program of the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the European Union (EU), through cooperation between the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic Water Directorate, member of the management team

    2003-2006: Sustainable development in the mountainous areas of Serbia (2003-2004) – S.G.R. 4.13.0220.A, financed by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia

    Prizes and awards

    2022: First prize of the 31st International Salon of Urbanism in category 1. Regional spatial plans and spatial plans of special purpose areas for the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose Areas of NP “Đerdap”, by Krunić N., Manić B., Bakić O., Nenković-Riznić M., Milijić S., Brankov B. Pavlović D., Lečić N.

    2021. Third Prize of the 30th International Salon of Urbanism in Category 8 Research and Studies in the Field of Environmental Protection and Landscape Architecture for the Strategic Impact Assessment of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (SEA Development Manager)

    2021. Award of the Salon in category 7. Research, studies and projects in the field of spatial and urban planning for Research within the Development of the Action Plan for the Green City – City of Belgrade (GCAP) and the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate for the City of Belgrade (SECAP) (member of the management team)

    2014. First Award of the 23rd International Salon of Urbanism (Belgrade) in the category of spatial plans “Spatial plans of the special purpose area of the basins of the accumulation” Ćelije “,” Gruža “and” Grlište “(member of the management team)

    2013.  First prize of the 22nd International Salon of Urbanism (Niš) in the category of regional spatial plans and SPSPA for “Regional spatial plan for the area of Kolubara and Macva administrative districts” (coordinator of the plan)

    2014. First award of the 23rd International Salon of Urbanism (Belgrade) in the category of spatial plans “Spatial plans of the special purpose area of the basins of the accumulation” Ćelije “,” Gruža “and” Grlište “(member of the management team)

    2012. First award at the 21st International Salon of Urbanism in Leskovac, for the work Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the international waterway E-80, Pan-European Corridor VII – Danube, (coordinator of the plan)

    2011. Award of the 50th International Salon of Urbanism in Nis in the category of Spatial Plans for the Regional Spatial Plan of the Timok Region (Spatial Plan Coordinator)

    2010. First prize for the best photographs at the international competition SMENAWORLD 2010, St. Petersburg

    2008. Annual award of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism “Milorad Macura” for the best master’s thesis in the school year 2006/2007

    1996. October Award of the City of Belgrade for research work “Length of sunshine among solitaires of New Belgrade”

    The most significant scientific research results / bibliography

    Danilović—Hristić N., Nenković Riznić M., Simonović Alfirević S. (2022), Programi edukacije najmlađih u oblastima arhitektonskog oblikovanja, nasleđa, urbanističkog i prostornog planiranja – Education programs for the youngest in the fields of architectural formatting, heritage, urban and spatial planning, Časopis Arhitektura i urbanizam, br. 25, ISSN: 0354-6055, M24-3,0

    Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović-Alfirević S.. (2022), Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication, Book od proceedings from IRASA International Scientific Conference SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION- SETI IV 2022, ed. Vladica Ristić, Marija Maksin, IRASA International Reserach Academy of Science and arts p.p 393-400, ISBN 978-86-81512-07-4

    Nenković-Riznić M, Danilović-Hristić, N. Simonović-Alfirević S.. (2022), New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue, Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia, ed. Ružica Bogdanović, STRAND, pp 287-292, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6

    Danilović-Hristić, N., Nenković-Riznić M, Stefanović N. (2022), Behavior issues and safety aspects in the real and virtual spaces, Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia, ed. Ružica Bogdanović, STRAND, pp 155-161, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6.,

    Pucar M., Nenković-Riznić M. (2022), Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back, Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia, ed. Ružica Bogdanović, STRAND, pp 242-251, ISBN 978-86-89111-28-6

    Djukić D., Nenković Riznić M. (2021) The Repercussion of the Heating Degree – days on Climate Changes in Big – sized Cities – case study of the city of Belgrade, Polish journal of environmental studies Vol. 31, No 3, ISSN 1230-1485, DOI 10.15244/pjoes/144153

    Ristić V., Maksin M., Nenković-Riznić M., Basarić J. (2017), Land use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area – A case of Sara mountain national park, Journal of environmental management Vol 206. 2017 Dec 07,, p.p. 430-445, Elsevier, ISSN: 0301-4797, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080

    Nenković-Riznić M. , Brankov B., Pucar M., Petrović S (2018) Safe healthcare facilities – their place and role in resilient cities, International journal Thermal Science, volume 2, Supplement 4, ed. Vukman V. Bakić, VIncenco Corrado, Vinca, Institute of nuclear sciences, p.p. S1001-S1010 online first, ISSN 2334-7163 (online edition) ISSN 0354-9836 (printed edition),

    Мaksin, M., Ristić V., Nenković-Riznić M., Mićić S. (2017) The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learned from EU countries and Serbia, European Planning Studies, Volume 26, 2018 – Issue 4, p.p. 832-872 , ISSN:0965-4313 (Print) Taylor and Francis ISBN 1469-5944 (Online),Taylor and Francis DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1426736., link

    Protic D., Kilibarda M., Nenkovic-Riznic M. Nestorov I. (2017) 3D Urban Solar Potential Maps -Case Study Of The i-Scope Project, Thermal Science 2017 OnLine-First Issue 00

    Nenković-Riznić M. (2018), Innovative approaches to waste reduction, reuse and recycling within an integrated urban planning concept, Erasmus + Project, Reviews of sustainability and resilience of the built environment for education- Research and design book series, BOOK III-Integrated urban planning, KLABS for sustainable and resilient environments, ed. Enrico Anguillari, Branka Dimitrijevic, Đurica Marković., PTU Delft Open of the Techniche Universiteit Delft-M14, 109-125, ISBN 978-94-6366-033-4

    Стефановић, Н., Крунић, Н. Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Даниловић-Христић Н.. (2017), Новији аспекти планирања подручја посебне намене у Србији – искуства и препоруке“, Пoсебна издања 82, Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, ISBN 978-86-80329-89-5

    Maksin M, Nenković-Riznić M., Milijić S., Ristić V. (2016), The Impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia, European Planning Studies, Vol 25 No 2, p.p. 278–297 ISSN SSN:0965-4313 (Print) 1469-5944 (Online), DOI:10.1080/09654313.2016.1260691

    Nenkovic-Riznic M., Maric I ,Pucar M. (2016), GIS modeling and social-oriented multi-criteria evaluation in landfill site selection in rural areas – a case study of Serbian villages, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin journal, Vol 25, No 12, PRT-Parlar Research & Technology, p.p. 5105-5112., ISSN 1018-4619, retrieved from

    Nenkovic-Riznic M., Ristic V. Milijic S., Maksin M (2016) Integration of the SEA and ESIA into the strategic territorial planning: lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in the protected areas, Polish journal of environmental studies, Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No. 3 (2016), 1353-1366, DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/61851

    Josimović B., Nenković-Riznić M., Milijic, S. (2016) Strategic Environmental Assessment as an instrument for sustainable development of the Danube corridor through Serbia, Energy and Environment Research; Vol. 6, No. 1; ISSN 1927-0569 E-ISSN 1927-0577, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, Accepted: January 19, 2016 Online Published: January 28, 2016, doi:10.5539/eer.v6n1p1 URL:

    Nenkovic-Riznic, M. , Pucar M., Petrovic S., Brankov B. (2016) Role of public facilities in resilient cities- educational institutions, XII International scientific conference STEPGRAD 2016, ed. Biljana Antunovic, 07-08.12.2016. University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy ISBN978-99976-663-3-8, .p.p,.263-270

    Josimović B., Krunić N., Nenković-Riznić M. (2016), The impact of airport noise as part of a Strategic Environmental Assessment, case study: The Tivat (Montenegro) Airport expansion plan, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 49, Elsevier, ISSN: 1361-9209 p.p. 271-279,

    Maksin M., Ristic V.,Nenkovic-Riznic M. (2015), “Integrative processes in spatial, urban and environmental planning – the case of peripheral urban zones”, Conference proceedings from The 2nd International conference S.ARCH 2015, Budva, Montenegro 19-20 May, Environment and architecture, ISBN 978-3-9816624-5-0, p.p. S.Arch. 207.1-10

    Ненковић-Ризнић М. (2015), Примена ASEA (Adapted Strategic Environmental Assessment) методологије као новог приступа мултикритеријумској експертској евалуацији планских решења у оквиру Просторног плана подручја посебне намене међународног пловног пута Е80 – Дунав – Паневропски коридор VII на животну средину – техничко решење верификовано од стране Матичног научног одбора за саобраћај, урбанизам и грађевинарство

    Nenković-Riznić M., Marić, I., Pucar M. (2014), Municipal solid waste management in tourist mountain areas in Serbia, Chapter in International Monograph Tourism research in a changing world, ed. F.Dias, J.Kosmaczewska, E.Dziedzic, A.Magliulo, IPL, University if economy Poland, ISBN: 978-989-98965-0-5 p.p. 129-149

    List of selected professional results

    Study of communal equipment for the needs of GUP Čačak, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Čačak, 2023.

    Study of renewable energy sources for the needs of GUP Čačak, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Čačak, 2023.

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”, (team member), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, 2019

    Strategic impact assessment of the Spatial Plan of the special purpose area of the mixed military-civilian airport “Morava” on the environment (manager), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, 2020.

    Strategic impact assessment of the Spatial Plan for the area of exploitation of the Kolubara lignite basin, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, (team member), 2020.

    Strategic impact assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia until 2035 on the environment, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, (head), 2021.

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Đerdap National Park, (co-leader, author of the studies “Environmental Protection” and “Municipal Infrastructure”.), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, , 2021

    Strategic impact assessment of the Spatial Plan of the special purpose area of the Đerdap National Park (manager) on the environment, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, 2021

    Spatial plan of the area of the Municipality of Ljig (team member, studies in the field of environmental protection and communal facilities), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, Municipality of Ljig 2022.

    Strategic impact assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the Bor-Majdanpec Mining Basin, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, (team member), 2022

    Strategic impact assessment of the General Regulation Plan Požarevac 1 on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Požarevac, (leader) 2020

    Strategic impact assessment of the Požarevac 2 General Regulation Plan on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Požarevac, (leader) 2020

    Strategic impact assessment of the General Regulation Plan Požarevac 3 on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Požarevac, (leader) 2020

    Strategic impact assessment of the General Regulation Plan Požarevac 4 on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Požarevac, (leader) 2020

    Strategic impact assessment of the General Regulation Plan Požarevac 6 on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, City of Požarevac, (leader) 2020

    Strategic assessment of the impact of the Detailed Regulation Plan of the tourist complex Špic in the municipality of Veliko Gradište on the environment, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia,, Municipality of Veliko Gradište, (leader) 2021.

    Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 (in the process of adoption, 2021), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, Development of Strategic Environmental Assessment, Studies: Impact of spatial planning on climate change (aspects of energy, transport waste) and adaptability (housing, cities, tourism, agriculture, etc.), Spatial and environmental aspects of the use of renewable energy sources and Energy efficiency in buildings, industry, transport and utilities (work team leader)

    2Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the National Park “Đerdap” (in the adoption procedure, 2021), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, (member of the management team)

    Strategic Impact Assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the National Park “Đerdap” (in the process of adoption), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2021 (development manager)

    Strategy for Sustainable and Integral Urban Development of the Republic of Serbia until 2030), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, GIZ AMBERO, “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 47/2019, (member of the management team)

    Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Green City Action Plan for Belgrade (GCAP), 2021, City of Belgrade, MOTT MACDONALD, Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia (development manager)

    Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for Belgrade (SECAP) on the Environment, 2021, City of Belgrade, MOTT MACDONALD, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia (development manager)

    SEA and Stakeholder engagement plan for Serbian Climate Strategy (Low Carbon Development strategy, Ministry of Environmental protection of the RS, GFA, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, 2020 (Project leader)

    Program for the implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2016 to 2020 (member of the management team), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, “Official Gazette of RS”, no. 104/2016;

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the “Celije” reservoir (member of the synthesis team, author of the studies “Environmental Protection” and “Communal Infrastructure”), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, “Official Gazette of RS”, no . 95/2015;

    Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the “Celije” Reservoir (co-manager), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, 2015

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Grlište reservoir (development manager, member of the synthesis team, author of the studies “Environmental Protection” and “Communal Infrastructure”), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, “Official Gazette of RS”, no 95/2015;

    Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the Kopaonik National Park (Project leader), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, 2016

    Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the Infrastructure Corridor of the Nis-Dimitrovgrad Main Gas Pipeline with Elements of Detailed Regulation (Project leader), Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia, PE Institute for Urbanism Nis, 2015

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    member of the Association of Urban planners of Belgrade (member of the presidency in three terms from 2006-2014);

    member of the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia since 2010;

    member of the Association of Urban planners of Serbia

    member of the commission at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade for the defense of final scientific papers (specialist and master’s theses)

    member of several commissions for election / re-election to scientific, research and professional titles at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia

    member of the presidency of the Association of Institutes of Serbia as in the field of technical and technological sciences (since 2023)

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    Membership in the Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance – RESPAG” (Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia);

    membership in the Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance – RESPAG” (Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia);

    membership in the Editorial and Organizing Committee on the occasion of the celebration of sixty years of existence and work of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, jubilee gathering and jubilee monograph which is a summary of what the Institute has achieved in the past (Belgrade, December 2014, Institute of Architecture and urbanism of Serbia)

    membership in the scientific committee of the symposium of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade INSTALLATIONS AND ARCHITECTURE (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

    membership in the organizing committee of the ICON conference on Nuclear engineering (2012-2020)

    Membership in the Scientific Committee of the 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (MKOIEE), held on October 15, 2021 in Belgrade

    membership in the scientific committee of the international conference SETI II and SETI IIII International Research Academy of Science and Art (International Research Academy of Sciences and Arts)

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Member of the Publishing Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia (from 2016 until today)

    Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Architecture and Urbanism, which is continuously in the category M51, ie. has the status of the top national magazine in the field of Traffic, Urbanism and Construction (from 2016 until today)

    Member of the scientific / editorial board of the journal Energy and Environment Research

    Member of the scientific / editorial board of the Journal of sustainable development

    Other (teaching engagement, professional practice and other forms of education, Doctoral supervisions, etc.)

    Doctoral supervisions

    from 2018 co-mentor of Borjan Brankov, MA. arch, PhD student at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

    Teaching engagement, professional practice and other forms of education

    2013-2019 – lecturer at the specialist academic studies ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND GREEN ARCHITECTURE on the subject of WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BUILDINGS

    2010-2021 guest lecturer at the master’s academic studies in ECOLOGICAL URBAN DESIGN at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade

    020 – lecturer in master’s and doctoral academic studies at the Metropolitan University, Faculty of Applied Ecology – FUTURA on the subject of Environmental Risk Management and Sustainable Development and the Environment

    2008-2016 guest lecturer on the subject INSTALLATIONS in full-time studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade at the Department of Architectural Technologies

    2011-2014 – guest lecturer on the subject of URBAN AND SPATIAL PLANNING at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade

    2010 – guest lecturer on the subject Studio project 4: Fishermen’s settlement Tekija – Urban design and cultural diversity in full-time studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade at the Department of Architectural Technologies

    2004 and 2005 – guest lecturer in the subjects INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING and ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING in the full-time studies of the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade in the field of spatial planning

    through continuous engagement within the Institute in the organization and performance of professional practice of the final year of fourth year students of the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Spatial Planning and Master of Academic Studies Integral Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, subject Professional Practice. and educational work; the practice takes place every year, for a period of two weeks

    Professional / research profiles


    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4431-4151

    Scopus Author ID:

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