Dr. Marijana Pantić

Spatial planner
Senior Research Fellow
Т: + 381 11 3207 349
М: marijanap@iaus.ac.rs marijana.d.pantic@gmail.com
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    Academic and scientific titles

    Doctor rerum naturalium (Technical University – Dresden, Germany, 2014);

    Master in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2008);

    Bachelor’s degree in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 2006).

    Professional experience

    Since 2022: Senior Research Associate at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2018-2022: Research Associate at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2016-2017: demographic analyst and project assistant at PALGO Center – „Development Strategy of the City of Belgrade 2016-2021” project;

    2015: project assistant at PALGO Center – „Enhancement Possibilities of Public Insight into the Spatial and Urban Plans” project;

    2015: researcher in the project „Secondary Analysis of the SILC – Survey on Income and Living Conditions“, UNDP and the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit;

    2015: intern at Čukarica City Hall – Department for Civil Engineering and Communal Issues;

    2008-2011: scholar researcher in Dresden Leibniz Graduate School at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung), Dresden, Germany;

    2007-2008: scholar researcher of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2006-2007: project assistant in „Spatial Plan of Subotica Municipality” project at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2024-2027: „Improvement Participation in Spatial Planning of Mining Areas – MINIPART“, project financed by the the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, within PRISMA Program;

    2023: “Country profile of Serbia for the Knowledge and Communication Platform of the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association”, project financed by the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (Leibniz, Germany);

    2022. „Herausforderungen der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Kurorten in Deutschland und Serbien“ (“Competitiveness Challenges of Spa Destinations in Germany and Serbia”) – project financed by the Bavarian Research Alliance (Bayerische Forschungsallianz);

    2018-2019: “Sustainable Spatial Development of the Danube Area in Serbia” – project financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (ТR 36036);

    2007: “Sustainable Spatial Development of Cities in Serbia” – project financed by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (ТR 6500А);

    2007: “Sustainable development concept in the monastery Klisura” (VITA NOVA) – international SOCRATES ERASMUS intensive programme for the academic year 2006/2007.

    2005-2007: “Responsible use of soil, land use and regional development” (IP Soil II and III) – international SOCRATES ERASMUS intensive programme Soil 2005/2006 and 2006/2007.

    Prizes and awards

    2023: recognition by the 32nd International Urban Planning Exhibition in Niš, Serbia, in the category „Urban and Spatial Planning Researches, Studies and Projects“, for the Studies for the General Urban Plan of Čačak;

    2021: recognition by the 30th International Urban Planning Exhibition in Niš, Serbia, in the category „Urban and Spatial Planning Researches, Studies and Projects“, for the Green City Action Plan – City of Belgrade (GCAP);

    2009/2010: scholarship holder of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia – Young Talents Fund;

    2008-2011: scholarship holder of the Dresden Leibniz Graduate School;

    2006/2007: the best student accomplished studies at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography in the academic year 2006/2007;

    2007/2008: scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;

    2005/2006: scholarship holder of the Studenica Foundation;

    2005/2006 and 2007/2008: scholarship holder of the City of Belgrade;

    2003/2004, 2004/2005, and 2005/2006: scholarship holder of the Republic of Serbia.

    List of selected publications

    М10 Monographs, thematic proceedings, lexicographic and cartographic publications of an international relevance

    Pantić, M., Milijić, S. (2019), ‘Relations between Mountain Tourism, Demographic Structure and Employment at Local Level in Serbia’. Tourism in Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia – Tourism as a Generator of Employment, Cvijanović, D. et al. (Eds.). University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja: Kragujevac, Serbia.

    M20 Articles published in scientific journals of international relevance; scientific critics; journal editing

    Pantić, M., Čolić, N. (2023): Digital Participation Framework for Mountain Areas in Serbia. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 68E, 78-95. ISSN 1842-2845. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/tras.68E.5.

    Pantić, M., Maričić, T., Milijić, S. (2022): Implementation of the Carpathian Convention in Serbia—the Analysis of Sustainability Aspects. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 72(1), 33–49. P-ISSN: 0350-7599, E-ISSN: 1821-2808. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI2201033P

    Pantić, M., Čolić, N. (2023): Digital Participation Framework for Mountain Areas in Serbia. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 68E, 78-95. ISSN 1842-2845. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/tras.68E.5.

    Pantić, M., Maričić, T., Milijić, S. (2022): Implementation of the Carpathian Convention in Serbia—the Analysis of Sustainability Aspects. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 72(1), 33–49. P-ISSN: 0350-7599, E-ISSN: 1821-2808. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI2201033P.

    M. Pantić, S. Milijić (2021): ‘The European Green Capital Award—Is It a Dream or Reality for Belgrade (Serbia)?‘, Sustainability, 13(11), 6182, pp. 1-20, https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116182

    M. Pantić, J. Cilliers, G. Cimadomo, F. Montaño, O. Olufemi, S. Torres Mallma, J. van den Berg (2021), ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Public Participation in Urban and Regional Planning during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Lessons Learned for the Future‘, Land, 10, 1379, pp. 1-19, https://doi.org/10.3390/land10121379

    D. Nikolić, M. Pantić, V. Jokić (2021), ‘Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor)‘, SAGE Open Journal January-March 2021, pp. 1–14, https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244021994554

    M. Pantić, N. Čolić, S. Milijić (2021), ‘Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve (Serbia) as a Driver of Change‘, Eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management, 13, special issue, pp. 58-69, https://doi.org/10.1553/eco.mont-13-sis58.

    M. Pantić (2021), ‘Considerations regarding a new settlement typology in Serbia‘, Arhitektura i urbanizam 53, pp. 7-21, https://doi.org/10.5937/a-u0-31678

    M. Pantić (2019), ‘A Spatial Perspective on Demographic Change in Serbian Cities and Towns‘, Spatium, 41, pp. 23-31, https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1941023P

    M. Pantić, J. Živanović Miljković, S. Milijić (2019), ‘Land Use and Building Regulations: the Case of Spatial Plans for Protected Natural Areas (Serbia)‘, Facta Universitatis. Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 17(2), pp. 173-187, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE190315010P

    M. Pantić, J. Živanović Miljković (2010), ‘Regional Differences between Rural Areas of Serbia in Population Aging and Agricultural Activities: Case Studies of the Inđija and Knjaževac Municipalities‘, Spatium, 22, pp. 29-37, https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1022029P

    М40 Monographs of national relevance

    M. Pantić (2019), ‘Challenges of demographic Changes in Serbian Mountain Areas‘ (orig. ‘Izazovi demografskih promena u planinskim područjima Srbije‘. Belgrade: IAUS.

    М50 Articles in journals of national relevance

    M. Pantić (2015), ‘Delineation of Mountains and Mountain Areas in Europe‘, Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” – SASA, pp. 43-58, https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI1501043P

    List of selected professional results

    Studies for the Purpose of Developing the General Urban Plan of Čačak, 2023 (approved by the client, Public Enterprise “Gradac” in November 2023) – supervision and coordination.

    Tourist Infrastructure Study for the Purpose of Developing the General Urban Plan of Čačak, 2023 (approved by the client, Public Enterprise “Gradac” in October 2023) – supervision and co-authorship

    Green City Action Plan – City of Belgrade (GCAP), 2021 (“Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade” No. 45/2021) – a member of the consulting team. Recognition by the 30th International Urban Exhibition in Niš, in the “Urban and Spatial Planning Researches, Studies and Projects” category.

    Special Purpose Area Spatial Plan for the Barje Accumulation Basin, 2020 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 80/2020) – assistant in the field of tourism.

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    GEO Mountains (ex GEO GNOME);

    UNESCO’s World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    President of the Organization Board of the „E-Future of Cities – Between Temptations of Exponential Technology Growth and the Concept of Human City” international scientific conference, 24-25. October 2019 in Belgrade.

    The member of the Organization Board that organized a set of round tables within the activities of „Interdepartmental Board for the Future of Cities in Serbia“ in the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, March-November 2018 in Belgrade.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    Chief Editor of the prominent national journal “Zaštita prirode” (since 2022).

    The member of the Архитектура и урбанизам Editorial Board (eng. Architecture and Urbanism journal) (since 2020).

    Other (teaching engagement, professional practice and other forms of education, Doctoral supervisions, etc.)

    Gave a public lecture on the topic “Stara planina in spatial planning: from natural and cultural resources to a development product – Development possibilities of Stara planina“, invited by the “BalkanARHitrav“ association within the project “(RE)ANIMATE Stara“, Belgrade/Dimitrovgrad, Serbia, November 2020.

    Gave a lecture to students of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography having the practice at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, February 2019;

    Gave a lecture to students of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography having the practice at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, February 2017;

    Led two workshops to pupils and students within the Eco Summer School of Belgrade Ecological Centre, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2015;

    Gave a lecture to students of the master program at College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2015;

    Gave a lecture to students of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography having the practice at Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, February 2014;

    Gave a lecture to the 5-8th grade pupils at “Brno-Bystrc” primary school, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2012;

    Gave a lecture to the PhD students at Dresden Leibniz Graduate School, Dresden, Germany, Jun 2009;

    Gave a lecture to students of the master program at Masaryk University – Geography Department, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2007.

    Professional / research profiles

    Research Gate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Marijana-Pantic

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/marijana-pantic-682a9728/?originalSubdomain=rs

    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8328-4077

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