Jelena Basarić

Phd in Spatial Planning
Research Fellow
Т: + 381 11 3207 311
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD in Spatial Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Department of Spatial Planning, 2021)

    MSc in Spatial Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Department of Spatial Planning, 2010)

    BSc in Spatial Planning (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Department of Spatial Planning, 2008)

    Professional experience

    2021.- research associate, Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia

    2011-2021. research assistant, Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2011-2019. „Sustainable spatial development of Danube area in Serbia“, No. TR 36036, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

    2011-2019. „The role and implementation of the national spatial plan and regional development documents in the renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in Serbia“, No. III 47014, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

    List of selected publications

    Basarić, J., Milijić, S. (2016) Potentials and limitations of spa tourism in Serbia, in Cvijanović D at al. (eds.), Tourism in function of development of the Republic of Serbia, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel management and tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, pp. 106-121, ISBN 978-86-89949-09-4, 978-86-89949-10-0

    Ristić V., Maksin M. Nenković-Riznić M., Basarić J. (2018) Land use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area – A case of Тara mountain national park, Journal of environmental management Vol 206. 2017 Dec 07, pp. 430-445, Elsevier, ISSN: 0301-4797, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080

    Petrić J., Maričić T., Basarić J. (2012) The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia, SPATIUM, No. 26, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, pg. 7-14. ISSN 1450-569X,

    Bezbradica, Lj., Basarić, J. (2021) The role of planning regulation in protecting “Prvonek” basin and accumulation, in Gastescu P. and Bretcan P. (eds.), Conference proceedings: Water resources and wetlands, pp. 146-152, September 8-12, Tulcea, Romania ISSN 2285-7923

    Basarić, J., Bezbradica, Lj. (2016) Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings, in Gastescu P. and Bretcan P. (eds.), Conference proceedings: Water resources and wetlands, pp. 146-152, September 8-10, Tulcea, Romania, ISSN 2285-7923

    Basarić, J., Milijić, S. (2016) Sustainable approach to tourism development in the Danube region in Serbia, in Lira S. et al. (eds.), International conference on Global tourism and sustainability, Greenlines institute, pp. 65-72, October 14-16, Lagos, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8734-17-4, e-ISBN 978-989-8734-18-1

    Ristić, V., Maksin, M., Basarić, J. (2016) Uloga zoniranja u strateškom planiranju zaštićenih područja u Srbiji: primer Nacionalnog parka Šar-planina, Arhitektura i urbanizam, Broj. 43, 2016, str. 61-68., ISSN 0354-6055 eISSN 2217-8074

    Basarić, Ј. (2021) Planning of space for the needs of tourism of the lower Danube in Serbia, doctoral dissertation, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography

    List of selected professional results

    (2021) – Spatial plan for special purpose area of Djerdap National Park, draft

           (2021) – Spatial plan of the municipality of Ljig, draft

    (2019-2021) – Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021/2035, draft

    (2021) – Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the mixed military-civilian airport „Morava“, draft

    (2021) – Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the regional water supply system Kolubara, adopted („Official Gazette of RS”, No. 123/21)

    (2020) – Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose Area of Belgrade-Niš railway corridor, adopted (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 117/2020)

    (2019) – Amendments to the Spatial Plan of the special purpose area of the infrastructure corridor of the highway E-80, section Nis-Merdare (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 55/19 and 62/2019)

    (2017) – Spatial Plan of the Highway Corridor Niš-Merdare, adopted (“Official Gazette of RS”, No.102/17)

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