Dr. Jasna Petrić

Spatial Planner
Principal Research Fellow
Т: +381 11 3207 319
М: jasna@iaus.ac.rs
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    Academic and scientific titles

    PhD of technical sciences in the field of architecture and urbanism (PhD in Architecture and Building Science, Strathclyde University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Building Science, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2003; in 2004 this diploma was equalised in Serbia with the diploma of the academic level doctor of technical sciences in the field of architecture and urbanism by the decree of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture);

    BSc in spatial planning (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, 1999)

    Principal Research Fellow in the scope of technical-technology sciences – urbanism and spatial planning, 2021.

    Professional titles and licenses

    Licensed Spatial Planner– license 100 for a chartered planner with experience in Serbia No. 100 0159 10 (2010).

    Scope of professional interests

    Sustainable urban and regional development;

    Residential preferences of the population;

    Socio-economic analyses and spatial impacts;

    Epistemology of the spatial planning terms.

    Professional experience

    since 2021– Principal Research Fellow in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2010–2021 Senior Research Associate in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2005–2010 Research Associate in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia;

    2004–2005 Research Trainee in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2023-2025 “International student migration in the Serbian context and (re)construction of identity: Main issues and inputs for policy making (IS-MIGaIN)”, Grant Agreement number: 1434, financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia under the Program “IDENTITIES”;

    2016–2021 “NoAW: No Agricultural-Waste: Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets”, Grant Agreement number: 688338, financed from the EC programme HORIZON 2020;

    2017–2019 “Attractive Danube: Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”, Project Code: DTP1-1-270-4.1, financed from the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme;

    2011–2019 “The Role and Implementation of the National Spatial Plan and Regional Development Documents in Renewal of Strategic Research, Thinking and Governance in Serbia”, (in Serbian), No. III 47014 (project leader, and leader of the Work package 3 “Strategic governance of the regional development”), financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;

    2011–2019 “Spatial, Environmental, Energy and Social Aspects of Developing Settlements and Climate Change – Mutual Impacts”, (in Serbian), No. TR 36035, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;

    2011–2016 “TURaS – Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability”, Grant agreement No. 282834, financed from the 7th Framework Programme of the EC (FP7);

    2008–2010 “An approach and concept for preparation of the Strategy of spatial development of Serbia”, (in Serbian), No. TR-16013, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;

    2008–2010 “Spatial, social and ecological aspects of development  in the great mining basins”, (in Serbian), No. TR-16008, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;

    2005–2007 “Sustainable spatial development of towns in Serbia”, (in Serbian), No. TR 6500A, financed by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia;

    2005–2006 “ESTIA-SPOSE: European Space – Territorial Indicators and Actions for a Spatial Planning Observatory Platform in South -Eastern Europe (2003 – 2006)”, Project Code: 3B036, 10/2003-03/2006, financed from the INTERREG III B CADSES programme;

    2004 “Development, spatial arrangement and use of major infrastructure corridors in Serbia (MIKS)”, (in Serbian), No. SGR.4.12.0225.А, financed by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia.

    Prizes and awards

    2020 Third prize at the 29th International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Kragujevac, in the category Publications, for the monograph “Jubilej 65 godina Instituta za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije 1954-2019”;

    2020 Award at the 29th International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Kragujevac, in the category Regional spatial plans, Spatial plans of the special purpose area, and Strategy of sustainable urban development, for the “Prostorni plan područja posebne namene za realizaciju projekta eksploatacije i prerade minerala jadarita „Jadar“”;

    2019 Grand Prix at the 28th International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Niš, for “Strategija održivog urbanog razvoja Republike Srbije do 2030. godine“;

    2019 Third prize at the 28th International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Niš, in the category Research and studies in the field of spatial and urban planning, for a study “Alati za multikriterijumsku evaluaciju (NoAW H2020 Project) / Multi-criteria evaluation tool (NoAW H2020 Project)”;

    2016 Award at the 25th International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Sremska Mitrovica, in the category Research and studies in the field of spatial and urban planning, for a study “IAUS u vodećem evropskom naučnom projektu TURAS (EU FP7) – Doprinos istraživanju urbanog rasta i nekontrolisanog urbanog širenja”;

    2014 Third prize at the 23rd International Urban Planning Exhibition held in Belgrade, in the category Research and studies in the field of spatial and urban planning, for a study “Studija o rezidencijalnim preferencijama stanovništva Kaluđerice kao prigradskog područja Beograda”.

    List of selected publications

    Monographs, monograph studies, thematic proceedings, lexicography and cartography publications of international significance

    Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Krunić, N. (2016) Indicators of sprawl in relation to residential preferences. In: Miodrag Vujošević, Slavka Zeković (eds.) Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability, Volume 2, pp. 171-184, Varna Free University in cooperation with Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, ISBN: 978-954-305-429-9;

    Papers which are published in the scientific journals of international significance; scientific critics; editorial work for journals

    Stefanović, N., Danilović Hristić, N., Jasna Petrić, J. (2023) Spatial Planning, Environmental Activism, and Politics – Case Study of the Jadar Project for Lithium Exploitation in Serbia. Sustainability, 15, 1736. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021736;

    Čolić, R., Milić, Đ., Petrić, J., Čolić, N. (2022) Institutional capacity development within the national urban policy formation process – participants’ views. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2022, pp. 69-89, https://doi.org/10.1177/23996544211002188;

    Slaev, A.D., Nedović-Budić, Z., Krunić, N., Petrić, J., Daskalova, D. (2018) Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia. European planning studies, ISSN 1469-5944, 2018, vol. 26, iss. 7, pp. 1389-1412, https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2018.1465530;

    Petrić, J. (2017) Neighbourhood Attachment in Central and Peripheral Areas of Belgrade: Evidence from Stari grad and Kaluđerica. Annales : anali za istarske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2017, 27, 2, pp. 295-308, https://doi.org/10.19233/ASHS.2017.20;

    Josimović, B., Petrić, J., Milijić, S. (2014) The Use of the Leopold Matrix in Carrying out the EIA for Wind Farms in Serbia, Energy and Environment Research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 43-54, ISSN 1927-0569, https://doi.org/10.5539/eer.v4n1p43;

    International scientific conference proceedings

    Petrić, J., Bajić, T., Danilović Hristić, N. (2019) Urban sprawl of informal settlements in Belgrade, Serbia – Models for standardization and reflections on recovery. 4th ISUFitaly International Conference, Reading built spaces, Cities in the making and future urban form. Bari, September 26th-28th 2018. Proceedings U+D Editions, 2019, pp. 793-801;

    Nikolić, T., Petrić, J., Bajić, T. (2017) Impact of population dynamics on spatial development of Belgrade urban region. In: Aspa Gospodini (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities III: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic dimensions. Lab of Urban Morphology and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, pp. 861-871, ISBN 978-618-5271-12-1;

    Petrić, J. (2016) Community evaluation measured by the neighbourhood satisfaction scale (NSS). In: Arsovski, Slavko (ed.), Tadić, Danijela (ed.), Stefanović, M. (ed.). First International Conference on Quality of Life, Kragujevac: Faculty of Engineering, Center for Quality, 2016, pp. 143-147;

    Petrić, J., Bajić, T. (2015) Variability of Suburban Preference in a Post-socialist Belgrade. In: Mokrys, Michal (ed.), Badura, S. (ed.). HASSACC 2015 : proceedings in Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference. Žilina: EDIS – Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2015, pp. 134-139, https://doi.org/10.18638/hassacc.2015.3.1.165;

    Monographs of the national significance

    Petrić, J., Milinković, M. (2017) Pojmovnik prostornog planiranja. (in Serbian) (Posebna izdanja, 81). Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, X, 351 pages, ISBN 978-86-80329-88-8.

    Editing of Monographs

    Milijić, S., Petrić, J., Perišić, M., Radosavlјević, Z. (Eds.) (2022) Prof. dr Dimitrije Perišić: svedočanstvo i putokazi za prostorno planiranje. (In Serbian) (Posebna izdanja, 92). Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet; ISBN 978-86-82154-01-3;

    National scientific proceedings

    Danilović Hristić, N., Stefanović, N., Petrić, J. (2022) Fenomen rodne nebezbednosti u javnim urbanim i virtuelnim prostorima. (In Serbian) In: Stanarević, Svetlana, Đukić, Aleksandra (Eds.) Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj. Second scientific conference, Beograd 2022, Conference proceedings, pp. 24-32.

    List of selected professional results

    Studija demografskog razvoja potrebna za izradu Generalnog urbanističkog plana Čačka 2035. godine/ Study of demographic development for the purpose of preparation of the Master plan of Čačak 2035, 2023 (being officially approved by the Mayor of the City of Čačak on 20th  October 2023) – coordinator for the development of the Study;

    Prostorni plan područja posebne namene Radan planine/ Spatial plan of the special purpose area for Radan mountain, 2014 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 110/14) – coordinator of development of the Plan;

    Prostorni plan područja posebne namene sliva akumulacije „Ćelije“/ Spatial plan of the special purpose area for the watershed of the artificial lake “Ćelije“, 2015 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 95/15) – coordinators of development of the Plan: Jasna Petrić and Saša Milijić;

    Prostorni plan područja posebne namene za realizaciju projekta eksploatacije i prerade minerala jadarita „Jadar“/ Spatial plan of the special purpose area for the realisation of the project for exploitation and processing of the mineral Jadarit “Jadar”, 2020 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 26/20; The act on endorsement of this Plan was abolished at the assembly of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on 20th January 2022) – coordinators of development of the Plan: Nebojša Stefanović and Jasna Petrić;

    Strategija održivog urbanog razvoja Republike Srbije do 2030. godine/ Strategy of sustainable urban development of the Republic of Serbia until 2030, 2019 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 47/2019) – participation in the team of experts from IAUS;

    Program implementacije Regionalnog prostornog plana Šumadijskog, Pomoravskog, Raškog i Rasinskog upravnog okruga/ Program of implementation of the Regional spatial plan for Šumadijski, Pomoravski, Raški and Rasinski governing counties, 2016 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 107/2016) – participation in the part of indicators of spatial development: Jasna Petrić, Omilјena Dželebdžić, Aleksandra Gajić, and Danijela Srnić;

    Regionalni prostorni plan za područje Kolubarskog i Mačvanskog upravnog okruga/ Regional spatial plan for the area of Kolubarski and Mačvanski governing counties, 2015 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 11/2015) – expertise study on demographic development;

    Prostorni plan područja posebne namene Nacionalnog parka „Đerdap“/ Spatial plan of the special purpose area for the National park “Đerdap“, 2013 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 43/2013) – expertise study on demographic development;

    Regionalni prostorni plan Timočke krajine/ Regional spatial plan for Timočka krajina, 2011 (Adopted and published in “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 51/2011) – expertise study on demographic development;

    Regionalni prostorni plan Južnog pomoravlјa/ Regional spatial plan for Južno Pomoravlje, 2010 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, No. 83/2010) – expertise study on demographic development;

    Prostorni plan opštine Budva/ Spatial plan for municipality of Budva, 2007 (Adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro – Municipal acts”, No. 30/2007) expertise studies on: demographic development and network of settlements; cultural heritage; prevention from seismic risks and other natural disasters; and measures from the aspects of military protection of the country.

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    Member of the Committee of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia for obtaining scientific titles (according to the decree of the National Council for Science and Technological Development, No: 119-01-00041/2022-14, from12.12.2022);

    President of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (since January 2022);

    2020 Member of the Working group for preparation of the National report for Serbia on implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (2017) (according to decree of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia – Sector for Science, No: 451-03-01671/2020-14/1, from 21.12.2020);

    since October 2019 – Judge in the Court of honour of the Chamber of Engineers of the Republic of Serbia;

    since April 2015 – President of the Publishing Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia;

    Member of the Chamber of Engineers of the Republic of Serbia with the licence for chartered spatial planner, No. 100 0159 10;

    Member of the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia.

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional conferences

    2015 Member of the Scientific Board of the 8th Scientific-professional conference with the international participation „Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine/ Planning and normative protection of space and the environment” (Belgrade, April 2015, Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography);

    2013 Member of the Organisation and Scientific Boards of the 2nd International scientific conference “Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance – RESPAG” (Belgrade, 22nd-25th May 2013, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia).

    Membership in the boards of scientific and professional journals

    since June 2020 – Editor-in-Chief of the national scientific journal in Serbia of international significance “Spatium”;

    since 2012  – Member of the Redactors’ Board of the journal “Izgradnja”.

    Professional / research profiles



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