Danijela Srnić

B.Sc. in Spatial Planning,
Research Associate
Т: + 381 11 3207 347
М: danijela@iaus.ac.rs
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    Academic and scientific titles

    msc in spatial planning (Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade, 2016);

    bsc in spatial planning (Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade, 2015).

    Professional experience

    2021 – Research assistant in Institute for architecture, urban and spatial planning of Serbia;

    2017-2021 – dosctoral student scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

    Research field

    Urban system; settlement network; geographic information systems; spatial analysis.

    Participation in scientific research projects

    2017-2019 “Sustainable Development of the Danube Region in Serbia” (TR 36036);

    2017- 2019 “Attractive Danube: Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”.

    Prizes and awards

    2021 – Award on 30th International urban planners’ exhibition, Niš; Category 01 – “Regional Spatial Plans and Spatial Plans of Special Purpose Area”  for Spatial plan of the special purpose area state road IB order no. 27 Loznica – Valjevo – Lazarevac, o the F section Iverak – Lajkovac (connection to highway E-763 Belgrade – South Adriatic, section Belgrade – Požega) and Spatial plan of the infrastructure corridor state road IB order, highway E-75 Belgrade-Nis (loop “Požarevac”) – Požarevac (bypass) –Veliko Gradište – Golubac;

    2016 – Prize for the best master’s thesis in spatial planning at the Faculty of Geography.

    List of selected publications

    Srnić, D., Krunić, N., Gajić, A. (2021). Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development. 7th Internatonal scientific conference Geobalcanica 2021 – Proceedings, 15-16 June, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

    Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Srnić, D. (2021). How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas. 7th Internatonal scientific conference Geobalcanica 2021 – Proceedings, 15-16 June, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

    Петрић, J., Џелебџић, O., Гајић, A., Срнић, Д. (2019). Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова (in Serbian).

    Џелебџић, O., Петрић, J., Гајић, A., Срнић, Д. (2019). Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова (in Serbian).

    Stefanović, N., Danilović-Hristić, N., Srnić, D. (2018). A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia – Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural Areas, Spatium, No. 40 (2), pp. 25-32. Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Srnić, D., Tošić, D. (2018). Spatial Aspects of Demographic Processes in Serbia, Stanovništvo, No. 56 (2): 23-38.

    List of selected professional results

    Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2021 to 2035 (Draft);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the regional Kolubara water supply system (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 123/2021);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the infrastructure corridor of the state road IB order, highway E-75 Belgrade-Niš (loop “Požarevac”) – Požarevac (bypass) -Veliko Gradište – Golubac”(” Official Gazette of RS “, No. 07/2021);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the infrastructure corridor of the high voltage transmission line 2 x 400 kV Bajina Basta – Obrenovac (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 54/2020);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the state road IB row number 27 Loznica-Valjevo-Lazarevac, section Iverak-Lajkovac (connection with the highway E-763 Belgrade-South Adriatic, section Belgrade-Požega) (“Official Gazette of RS”, number 2/2020);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the nature park “Zlatibor” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 02/2020);

    Amendments to the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the E-80 Highway Infrastructure Corridor, Nis-Merdare section (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 62/2019);

    Spatial plan of the special purpose area of ​​the оutstanding natural landscape “Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura” (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 46/2019).

    Membership in scientific and professional associations, juries and bodies

    Member of the Serbian Spatial Planners Association

    Professional / research profiles (optional)




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