The library of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia has existed since the inception of the Institute in 1954. It is a specialized ...
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DOI number  (Digital Object Identifier)

DOI is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to an individual digital object (article, book chapter, etc.).

This label establishes a link to the website where the document is located. Linking of the data on articles, DOI numbers, and web addresses are done through the CrossRef service. This service maintains a database of DOI numbers, metadata, and links to full texts.

Citation databases provide answers to questions about the most popular, read, or cited papers within a scientific field. For researchers whose work contributes to the overall knowledge within a particular scientific field, these issues are of crucial interest.

By searching citation databases it is possible to:

  • Find out who is citing a particular paper and how is the paper used in current research,
  • Monitor research activities of associates and competitors,
  • Analyze the impacts of a published work/research,
  • Determine the history and methodology of a study from its beginning to the present day,
  • Find current research based on previous patents, reports, published works, or inventions.

KoBSON  is the Consortium of Libraries of Serbia for Coordinated Purchase. This association of libraries of Serbia purchases foreign scientific literature in electronic and paper form for the needs of the scientific community of Serbia, and on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The founders of the consortium are the National Library of Serbia, the University Library “Svetozar Markovic”, the university libraries from Kragujevac and Niš, the Matica Srpska Library and the SANU Library.

The electronic form enables simultaneous and equal access for a larger number of researchers, regardless of the geographical location, which encourages the balanced development of the entire country.

The scientific literature purchased by KoBSON   is available to scientists, researchers, professors, and students in Serbia, in the premises of institutions connected through the Academic Network of Serbia. The Academic Network of Serbia is a specialized computer network that connects scientific institutions in Serbia and provides them with Internet access. Remote access through a commercial provider under the same conditions as from the IP space of the academic network has been available for users since 2004.

E.CRIS.SR is an information system for creating records of researchers and institutions, necessary for keeping bibliographies of scientists and institutions.

The database of researchers within the E.CRIS.SR information system contains the following data: Key identification details (name, surname, education, research organization, department), contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail, URL), researchers’ employment details (organization, department, date of employment, position, title), list of research projects, research area, and description of expert knowledge (keywords, classification, education, language skills), and representative bibliographic units.

If the researcher has not permitted their publishing, most of the data in the public presentation of the researcher will not be visible.

E-CRIS.SR is connected to the information system COBISS.SR, i.e., to its bibliographic database COBIB.SR. In this way, users have direct insight into the bibliographies of researchers.

The Directory of Open Access Journals is a service that provides access to controlled open access journals, i.e., free electronic journals that have met specific scientific and academic criteria. Articles from a large number of the directory journals are available to users in full text. The directory covers a significant part of scientific fields, and the final goal is to represent scientific disciplines in all major languages in the future.
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