IAUS Statement on Student Protests

The collective – the Scientific Council of the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia – hereby expresses its support for the students of the University of Belgrade and other universities in Serbia who have been peacefully protesting for weeks, demanding the full truth to be established and responsibility to be determined regarding the tragedy at the Novi Sad Railway Station. Their clearly and precisely formulated demands are an expression of a well-developed critical and ethical awareness. These demands concern all citizens of Serbia. For the Institute – a research institution that has been active for 70 years in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning – these demands are of particular significance, as they directly relate to our areas of research and engagement. As an institution whose fundamental mission includes organising various forms of scientific and professional development, supporting academic teaching, and maintaining continuous collaboration with undergraduate and postgraduate (doctoral) students, from whom we build our own research staff, we express deep concern over the physical and verbal violence to which students and the wider academic community have been subjected.

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