Спа центар на локацији 18 у оквиру 1а фазе

Spa center at location 18 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Branislava Kovačević, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić Designer: Branislava Kovačević Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Хотелско-апартмански објекти на локацији 17

Hotel and apartment facilities at location 17 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Božidar Manić and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Božidar Manić Designer: Božidar Manić Client: PE "Stara planina", Knjaževac
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Апартмански објекти на локацији 12 у оквиру 1а фазе

Apartment buildings on location 12 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Igor Pavlović, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić Designer: Igor Pavlović Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Хотел на локацији 11 у оквиру 1а фазе туристичког ризорта

Hotel on location 11 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Tanja Bajić and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić Designer: Tanja Bajić Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Хотел на локацији 10 у оквиру 1а фазе туристичког ризорта „Јабучко равниште“

Hotel on location 10 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Tanja Bajić, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić Designer: Tanja Bajić Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Хотел на локацији 9 у оквиру 1а фазе туристичког ризорта

Hotel on location 9 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Tanja Bajić, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić Designer: Tanja Bajić Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Hotel on location 8 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Branislava Kovačević, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Designer: Branislava Kovačević, Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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Хотелско-апартмански објекти на локацији 2 у оквиру 1а фазе

Hotel on location 8 within the 1st phase of the tourist resort “Jabučko ravnište” on Stara Planina

Year of design: 2011 Authors: Igor Marić, Branislava Kovačević, and the IAUS design team Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Designer: Branislava Kovačević, Client: PE "Stara planina", ...
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New cemetery and chapel in Baroševac

Year of design: 2009 Authors: Igor Marić, Božidar Manić, and Svetozar Teofilović, Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Design team: Božidar Manić, Svetozar Teofilović, Client: PDRB "Kolubara", ...
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Residential building on c.p. 736/5 CM Vrnjacka Banja

Year of design: 2008 Authors: Igor Marić, Božidar Manić, and Ana Bogdanov,Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Design team: Božidar Manić and Ana Bogdanov, Client: Miljko and ...
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Residential and business buildings in 69-71 Dalmatinska Street in Belgrade

Year of design: 2008 Authors: Igor Marić and Božidar Manić, Client: C.C. "Partizanski put" J.S.C., Belgrade
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Public Transport Canopies in Belgrade

Year of design: 2007 Authors: Božidar Manić and Ana Bogdanov, Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Design team: Božidar Manić and Ana Bogdanov, Client: The City of ...
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Пословни комплекс у улици Краља Милана 35-41

Business complex in 35-41 Kralja Milana Street and 14-18 Kralja Milutina Street in Belgrade

Design years: 2006/2007 Authors: Igor Marić and Božidar Manić, Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Design team: Božidar Manić, Ana Bogdanov, and Bratislava Vidović, Client: KMKM LLC, ...
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Liquid fuel and LPG supply station “Aerodrom” on the main road no. 1 (highway E-70), near the Belgrade Airport

ear of design: 2004 Year of realization: Not performed Authors: Igor Marić and Božidar Manić, Responsible designer: Igor Marić, Designer: Božidar Manić, Client: Ivana Novaković, ...
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Reconstruction and extension of the building at 21 Draža Pavlović Street in Belgrade

Year of design: 2003 Author: Božidar Manić, Designer: Božidar Manić, Client: A group of citizens, Belgrade
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