Dear Researchers,
We invite you to contribute to the realization of the next issues of the journal Arhitektura i urbanizam with your scientific and professional works, as well as other articles published in the sections Architecture, Current Affairs, Book Reviews, etc.
The printed edition of the journal is published in June and December. Papers are accepted throughout the year and after receiving positive reviews and proofreading, they can be published immediately in the Online First. This entails obtaining a DOI number (which remains unchanged in the print edition of the journal) and gives the possibility for the work to be visible, acknowledged as a result and cited before publication in print.
Works are submitted through the Aseestant electronic system: https://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/index/login
More detailed information about the journal can be found at: https://scindeks.ceon.rs/journalDetails.aspx?issn=0354-6055
Instructions for authors are available on the link: https://scindeks.ceon.rs/InstructionForAuthors.aspx?issn=0354-6055
Editorial office of the magazine “Architecture and Urbanism”
Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/II
11000 Belgrade, Serbia