About Spatium

The journal SPATIUM (ISSN 1450-569X; ISSN 2217-8066 (Online)) is concerned with a multi-disciplinary approach to specific themes and issues, from broader fields of urban and spatial planning, architecture, housing, building, geodesy, environment, regional strategic planning and governance, etc. The journal was established in 1997 (first issue of September 1997), and has been published regularly ever since by the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia from Belgrade, Serbia. Its publishing is with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

Manuscripts to SPATIUM must be submitted in English, and must be original, unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In performing that, authors are obliged to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA). CTA depicts in detail the copyright and related matters of the kind. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing through any medium of communication those illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Other acknowledgements could be added in a special section at the end of the paper. Journal applies double-blind peer review process where each scientific article has to receive at least two independent positive reviews by the experts in the filed before acceptance for SPATIUM. The category of the paper, which can be one of the following: Original scientific paper, Review paper, Preliminary report – Short communication, Scientific analysis or debate, and Professional paper, is proposed by the reviewers, but the final decision on its category is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal SPATIUM. This journal has a web-based online submission and peer review system powered by the Public Knowledge Project – Open Journal Systems. As from the year 2022, SPATIUM introduced another convenience for authors, and that is Online First. Online First articles have been peer reviewed, accepted for publication, Copyedited for the English language and approved by the author before being published online. They have not yet been assigned to a journal issue. A final touch may be added in Layout editing before assigning an article to an issue. Online First articles can be cited using the article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Every article has a unique DOI which is the permanent identifier of all versions of that article.

The average time for the reviewing process of submitted manuscripts to SPATIUM may vary from 2 to 6 months, depending on the scope of revisions that are required by the reviewers. Revisions may be required before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper.

There are no article submission charges or article processing charges for SPATIUM.

SPATIUM is published half-yearly (in June and December of the calendar year).

SPATIUM is also available as an Open Access journal.

SPATIUM is indexed in SCOPUS, SCImago, DOAJ and Avery Index.

Инфо >

Web address: http://www.spatium.rs
ISSN: 1450-569X
еISSN: 2217-8066
periodicity: half-yearly
initial year: : 1997
editor-in-chief: Dr Jasna Petrić
editorial office address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II, 11000 Belgrade
contact: Dr. Jasna Petrić
email address:  spatiumed@iaus.ac.rs
phone number: 011 3207 319
fax: 011 3370 203
Instructions for authors
journal category:
Spatial Planning: М24
journal category: Spatial Planning: М24
Architecture Q3
Urban Studies Q3
Visual Arts and Performing Arts Q1

available in full text at:

indexed in:
ORES Science Platform ,
SCImago ,
ICI World of Journals ,
VU Journal Publishing Guide ,

лиценца: CC BY-NC-ND
4 01 Arhitektura i urbanizam 02 Info Licenca
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International 
 Scimago Journal & Country Rank

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