Competition Results for the 2023 “Milorad Macura” and “Dimitrije Perišić” Awards

A competition for the award of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia for the best master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in the field of architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning for the year 2023 is announced.

The Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia traditionally awards annual prizes for the best master’s theses and doctoral dissertations defended at the faculties of universities in Serbia that have departments or chairs in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning, specifically:

  • The annual “Milorad Maćura” award for the best master’s thesis in the field of architecture and urbanism.
  • The annual “Milorad Maćura” award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of architecture and urbanism.
  • The annual “Dimitrije Perišić” award for the best master’s thesis in the field of spatial planning.
  • The annual “Dimitrije Perišić” award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of spatial planning.


The awards are given for the best master’s theses and doctoral dissertations defended in the past academic year (2022/2023) or in the current year until December 15, 2023, for which proposals are submitted in accordance with the announcement.

Proposals for awards can be submitted in writing or electronically to the Institute’s secretariat within 75 days from the announcement date, from September 30 to December 15 of the current year (address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II, email:,, marked as: Institute Award).

The right to propose a work for an award is granted to the dean of the faculty, department head, chairperson, the work selection committee, and the work’s mentor.

A proposal for an award should include a letter from the proposer along with the following information about the nominated candidate (name, study area, thesis/dissertation title, brief biography, contact address, and phone number), information about the mentor, a brief presentation/explanation of the work, a copy of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation (mandatory in electronic form, and optionally in print, which will be returned to the proposer).

The decision to award the prizes will be determined by January 15, 2024, by the Institute’s Commission, with a written explanation, and will be announced on the Institute’s website and in public media. The awards will be presented during a ceremony on January 27, at the Institute, on the occasion of Saint Sava’s Day.

The annual awards consist of a plaque, a set of publications, and a presentation of the awarded work in the nationally significant journal ‘Architecture and Urbanism,’ published by the Institute.

The annual awards may also include a monetary amount in accordance with the Institute’s financial capabilities, the amount of which is determined by the Institute’s Board on the proposal of the Director.”

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